Hills-Beaver Creek community members Sue and Harlan Stueven received this year’s Friend of Education award, voted on by Hills-Beaver Creek Foundation.
The award is presented to people who offer exceptional support to staff or volunteer at the school and go above and beyond.
The Stuevens live east of Hills where Harlan farms, drives truck and school bus. Sue is employed at Rock Veterinary Clinic. They have two daughters, Meagan, who attends SDSU working toward an agronomy degree, and Natalie, who is attending USD grad school for physical therapy.
The couple said they enjoyed attending and watching their daughters participate in activities at H-BC.
Sue is a line judge for volleyball and has served on curriculum committees and the strategic planning committee. Harlan drives bus for activities and subs for route drivers. They also help with ticket sales and concessions at events.
Sue’s hobbies are winemaking, sewing, quilting and gardening. Harlan enjoys woodworking and carpentry.
“We were surprised and very honored to receive the Friend of Education Award,” they said. “We are glad to help at H-BC wherever and whenever we can.”