Rock County Commissioners approved the expansion of a swine-finishing barn in Mound Township at their regular monthly meeting Tuesday, June 16.
Chad Hoff, Luverne, applied for a conditional use permit through the Rock County Land Management Office earlier this month.
A public hearing was conducted Monday, June 15, by the county’s Planning and Zoning Commission, which recommended the permit’s approval.
“It was a very quiet hearing last night,” said LMO director Eric Hartman. “Chad was the only person who attended the hearing.”
Hoff is expanding an existing operation located in the southwest quarter of Section 18 of Mound Township. Currently, the site consists of two 1,200-head finishing barns with under floor manure storage. Total capacity is 720 animal units.
Hoff’s proposed expansion is for one additional 1,200-head finishing barn on the same site. The expansion increases animal units to 1,080.
Commissioners unanimously approved the conditional use permit with its eight proposed conditions.
The conditions include applying and receiving a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, provide LMO with an annual letter of certification and adhere to the state’s air emissions and order management plans.
In other business June 16, the commissioners:
•Conducted a second public hearing for the $1.225 million capital improvement project bond with different language for the sale of the general obligation bonds. The bond has been earmarked for the broadband fiber optic project.
•Adopted the proposed zoning ordinance amendments for agricultural-oriented businesses in Rock County.
•Received notification of a $263,470 U.S. Department of Transportation grant to the Quentin Aanenson Field Airport. The funds will be used for infrastructure improvements.
Permit granted for swine barn expansion
Mavis Fodness