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'How to Cook a Turkey," according to a kindergartner

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I will hunt for my turkey with a gun.  Take the feathers off. Then cook it on the grill. I don’t know how long. It will be brown. Cut it up, put it on a plate, and eat it.
Maddox Baker
Get a turkey from Wal-mart. Cook it in the oven for 4-5 minutes. Cut it, then eat it, but not the bone. I would want the leg.
Benjamin Fick
Get a turkey from a friend. Cook it in the oven for 10 hours on HOT. Take it out of the oven then cut it and eat it.
Lillian Pietrzak
Put the turkey in a tub with water and ice. Then take all the feathers off. Let dad chop the head off. Let it flop its wings, then put it in some hot water. Take all the guts, the heart, the bones and all the nasty stuff out. Then take a hose and put it right by it. Spray out the turkey, then cook it on the stove for 25 minutes. Then take it out and pull the BIG bones out. Bring it inside and start eating the legs and the rest of the turkey.
Grady Spykerboer
Get a turkey from the farm. Take all the bones out. Put it in the oven for 25 minutes. Take it out and let it cool for a little bit. Take it and put it to your lips. If it’s too hot, then don’t eat it. If it’s a little cool, then eat it fast.
Lucas Goodwin
I would get my turkey from my grandma. Put ingredients in it, like salt. Cook it in the oven for 10 minutes at 400 degrees. Get it out of the oven and eat it.
Bryce Metzger
Get a turkey from the farm. Kill it with an axe. Bake it in the oven at 8 degrees for 80 minutes. Look in the oven to see if it is done. Then eat it.
Emma Corbin
Get the turkey from Wal-mart. Make it on Thanksgiving. Cook it in the oven and then the microwave. When it beeps, it’s done. Eat it with a fork.
Raylan Leuthold
I got my turkey from the grocery store. Put it in the microwave for 20 minutes. Then eat it.
Andrey Stefanyuk
Get the turkey from a farm. Put meat in it then you cook it in the oven for 20 minutes until it is hot. When you hear the oven beep, it is done. Eat it with a fork.
Londyn DeBoer
Get the turkey from a farm. Bake it on the stove in a pot. Put salt on it. When it stops cooking, it’s done. Put it on a plate and eat it.
Brittany Kittelson
I got my turkey from a farm. Take all the feathers off. Take the beak off. Put it on the grill. Grill it for 46 hours. Put it on a pan and set it on the table. Then I share it with my daddy, my mommy, my big brothers Riley and Jacob, Nora, Ben and some for me.
Chris Sheppard
Get your turkey from a farm. Catch it by chasing it down the path. Sneak up and grab it. Put it in the oven at 100 degrees. Cook it for 7 hours. Then eat it.
Jaxon Parrow
I would buy it at Target for $10. I would put it in the trunk of the car and go home. I would take it out of the trunk and bring it in the house. I would put salt, ketchup, and salsa on it. I would put it in the oven for 11 minutes and take it out. Put it on the table. Drive to go get some people to bring back to the house. Mom would cut the turkey and we would eat it with a fork. We eat corn, mashed potatoes and sandwiches with it.
Quinn Van Ommeren
I would go in the woods and shoot the turkey with a gun. Bring it to the house and take the feathers off it. Then put it in the oven for 50 hours on 90 degrees. Dad takes it out of the oven and puts it on the table. Mom cuts it up and eats it with a fork. I would put pepper and salt on it and eat it with green beans.
Ruby Mitchell
I go hunting for my turkey with my dad.Then we take the feathers off and clean it. I cook it in the microwave for 15 minutes. I take it out of the microwave and put it on the table. I pull the meat off and eat it.
Remington Seachris
My dad goes hunting to get our turkey. We take the feathers off and clean it. Then I put it in a pan and cook it in the oven. I put it in at 300 degrees for 3 hours and take it out. My dad cuts it and we eat it.
Emelia Blank
I go to a farm and get my turkey. Then I put it in the oven at 500 degrees for 1 hour. I take it out of the oven with gloves on my hands. Then my dad cuts it and we eat it.
Oliver Pasch
I get my turkey from the store. I put it into the oven at 400 degrees for 2 hours. Then I take it out of the oven and cut it. After that I eat it.
Joshua Zingler
I go to a farm and get my turkey. I clean it and pick the feathers off. Then I put it in the oven at 100 degrees for 1 hour. Then I eat it.
Elise Anderson
I get my turkey from the grocery store. I cook it in the microwave for 1 hour. Then I cut it and eat it.
Benjamin Sheppard
I get my turkey from a farm. Then I put it into the oven at 400 degrees for 2 hours. Then I take it out of the oven and cut it. After that, I eat it.
Titus Susie
I get my turkey from the store and bring it home. Then I put it in a pan in the oven. I set it at 1000 degrees for ten hours. I pull it out and let it cool. Then we eat it.
Alyssa Krull
I would get it from the grocery store. Someone will bring it to my house. Carry it in, put sour sauce on it. Then cook it in the oven for a little while. When the timer rings, it is done. Put it on a plate and eat it.
Brea Clark-Crawford
I will get my turkey at the grocery store. I’ll get a bag and put him in it. When we get home, I’ll put salt on him and then I will put butter on him. Then I will put him in the oven at 10 degrees for 50 seconds. It will ding. First let it cool, then put sprinkles and frosting on it. Then show it to all my family and cut it up and eat it.
Emry Boelman
My turkey will come from the store. Put some lettuce on it. Cook it in the oven for 11 minutes. Eat it.
Yhair Chamale
I would go to a farm and ask the farmer to give me a turkey. I would put it in my car and buckle it in the car seat. We would drive home and grab it with my hands to take it into the house. I would put it in the air fryer for 15 minutes. Take it out and stuff it with sweethearts and candy. I would make my table fancy with tablecloths with flowers and candles that light up. I will set the table with fancy silverware and plates. Put the turkey in the middle of the table. My family will munch it all up.
Astrid Aanning

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