Seven dedicated individuals devote time and energy, making sure Luverne Public Schools is helping every child learn at a high level.
The Minnesota School Boards Association has set February as Minnesota School Board Recognition Month to build awareness and understanding of the vital function elected school board members play in our society.
We here in Luverne are joining other public school districts across the state to celebrate and honor our board members and their commitment to Luverne and the students in our schools.
Tim Jarchow, Eric Hartman, David Wrigg, Michael DeBates, Ryan DeBates, Randy Sasker and Zach Nolz are Luverne’s elected members.
They make decisions every month, with some decisions being more difficult than others. They spend hours studying education issues, listening to constituents and reviewing regulations in order to provide the kind of accountability our community expects.
The key work of a school board is to raise student achievement by:
•creating a vision for what the community wants the school district to be and for making student achievement a top priority.
•establishing standards for what students will be expected to learn and be able to do.
•being accountable for their decisions and actions.
•creating a safe, orderly climate where students can learn and teachers can teach.
•and forming partnership with others in the community to solve common problems.
Even though we’re making a special effort to show our appreciation this month, school board members’ work is a year-round commitment.
It is important to thank board members for volunteering their time and energy to our school. The role they perform is a staple to the democracy of our state and nation. Public education is vital to our continued success.
Thank you, board members, for promoting the vision of “Learn, Live, Lead” at Luverne Public Schools.
February is Minnesota School Board Recognition Month
Please thank our board members who dedicate time, energy to public education
Craig Oftedahl, Luverne Public Schools Superintendent