Greetings from the Tuff Memorial Home.
The residents of the Tuff Memorial Home would like to invite parents and their young children to Story Time on Fridays from 10 to 10:30 a.m. in the months of June and July. There will be no cost and adult supervision is required. There will be story time, crafts and refreshments. Contact the Activity Department at 962-3275 with any questions.
Other upcoming events in the nursing home:
•Friday, June 12: 7:15 p.m. Hymn-sing with a group from the Apostolic Christian Church from Lester, Iowa.
•Saturday, June 13: Lucille Gangestad’s birthday.
Queen Etta and King Harold will participate in the Friendship Days — Hills 125th anniversary celebration parade at 3 p.m.
Monday afternoon residents enjoyed tasting fresh mangos, Georgia peaches, kiwi and pomegranate along with iced tea on the patio.
King Harold Etrheim and queen Etta DeJongh participated in the Buffalo Days parade in Luverne Saturday morning.
Saturday afternoon residents enjoyed intergenerational bingo with Karin Moser and her children. We want to express our thanks to them for helping.
Other activities residents enjoyed this week included playing Categories, balloon bat and Rummikub. A group called The Happy Stitchers met to knit, crochet and do needle point.
We would like to welcome a new resident, Henrietta Haak, to Room 28.
Charlotte “Charlie” Steffen, 81, a resident of Tuff since 2011, died Tuesday, June 2, 2015. A private family services will take place at a later date. Our sincere sympathy is extended to her family and friends.
Thursday afternoon Roy and Evelyn Metzger and Angie Brinker and daughters from Bloomfield, Iowa, visited residents Mariann and Esty Metzger.
Our chaplain, Grant Fischer, will be attending a synod meeting Sunday, June 14. In his absence Jan Solberg will be in charge of Sunday morning chapel services at 9 a.m.
Smile …
Ole was given a bottle of medicine for his hearing problem. It must have worked, because two days later he heard from his uncle in Norway.