Beaver Creek Township Board will meet at 3:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 6, in the township hall in Beaver Creek. Note the time change.
Nutrition Assistance for seniors Feb. 2
Nutrition Assistance Program for Seniors 60 & older, sponsored by A.C.E. of SW MN, will be from 2 to 3 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 2, as a drive-thru distribution in the parking lot off Maple Street on the east side of the Generations Event Center. Pre-registration is required by calling Linda Wenzel at 507-283-5064.
H-BC FFA chili cook-off postponed
The Hills-Beaver Creek FFA Chapter's chili cook-off and silent auction fundraiser scheduled for Feb. 6 has been postponed. A rescheduled date has not been determinted.
Chili cook-off participants are sought. Call 507-962-3240 ext. 33 to enter the cook-off.
School music programs Feb. 10
Luverne third- and fourth-grade students will present their music programs Friday afternoon, Feb. 10, in the performing arts center. Third-grade students will perform "Summer Camp" at 1:15 p.m. and fourth-grade students will perform "Hawaiian Beach Party.”
Sno-Masters rides Feb. 4 and Feb. 11
The Rock County Sno-Masters are planning two rides for February.
The Memorial Ride for Terry “Butch” Connell will be Feb. 4. This is not a poker run. Any vehicle is welcome. Meet at 10:30 a.m. at the Sno-Masters clubhouse at 206 SE Park St., Luverne. Route includes Beaver Creek, Hardwick, Trosky, Hardwick, Take 16 and Howling Dog in Luverne and back to the clubhouse. A meal will be served. Bring your own beverages. A bonfire will be outside the clubhouse.
On Feb. 11, the Sno-Masters will host a Fun Run (poker run). All vehicles welcome. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. at the clubhouse. Stops include the Eagles Club (Luverne), Take 16 (Luverne), Hardwick, Trosky, Beaver Creek, Hills and the Luverne Country Club. Five stops are necessary for a hand. Bring your own beverages.
Entries due Feb. 11 for March 4 Generations Puzzle Tourney
Generations will host its annual Jigsaw Puzzle Tournament at 9 a.m. Saturday, March 4, in the Generations building on South Estey Street in Luverne.
Entries are accepted in 300-piece two-person teams, 500-piece two- or three-person teams or 300-piece youth (eighth-grade or younger) and adult teams.
Registration and payment may be mailed to or dropped off by Feb. 11 at Generations, attn: Puzzle Tourney, 105 S Estey, Luverne, MN 56156.
Generations hours are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. Contact Corrine Bonnema 507-920-3802 or email
Virtual author tour in February
The libraries of the Plum Creek Library System will offer “Wrapped in Reading Author Tour,” a series of four virtual programs in February.
Feb. 7 will feature mystery writer Jeanne Cooney, Feb. 14 Lorna Landvik, Feb. 21 paranormal researcher and author Chad Lewis, and Feb. 28 mystery thriller writer Brian Freeman.
Preregistration is required for each of the free programs at
For more information contact the Rock County Library at 507-449-5040 or
Community Ed
Community Education will offer the following classes in the next few weeks. Call 507-283-4724 to register.
Catchers and pitchers (experienced or new in grades K-8 can learn and practice skills at a four-session Softball Camp starting Feb. 16. Sign up by Feb. 6 at the lower fee of $40.
Students (grades K – 3) can join a Blue Mound State Park Naturalist to identify wildlife species through evidence left behind during Animal Tracks and Scat: Who Left That? on Feb. 7. Fee is $5.
Learn tips and techniques to shovel snow safely and prevent injury at Protect Your Back While Shoveling? Snow Problem! on Feb. 8 at Prairie Rehabilitation. Fee is $5.
Kids in the Kitchen (grades K-6) will make Valentine’s Goodies on Feb. 9. Fee is $21.
Students in grades 3-5 will work in teams to create a robot that pushes, shoves and disables other robots during competition in Sumo Robotics on Feb. 9. Fee is $20.
Register by Feb. 10 for the ACT Prep class on Feb. 21. Fee is $125.
Ages 0-5 with an adult will enjoy Open Gym on Feb. 10. Registration is required, but there is no fee.
Free tax preparation at library
AARP volunteers will offer free tax preparation for low-income individuals and seniors at the Rock County Library on Mondays starting Feb. 13 through April 15.
Call 507-449-5040 for appointments. Bring documents, including last year’s tax return and a form of identification to document social security number. Tax returns for 2021 will be prepared if requested.
Library Happenings
For more information about library happenings, call 507-449-5040 or email
Story Time with Bronwyn is at 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays and 10 a.m. Fridays now through April 28. Stories and make-and-take crafts are the same at either event.
Winter Book Club meets at different local restaurants during February and March.
The 50 State Challenge for adults and older teens is currently underway where patrons are encouraged to read a book set in one of each of the 50 states through Jan. 1, 2024.
The annual Plum Cleek Library System winter reading program, “Get Wrapped in Reading,” goes now until March 31.
Trivia Night is at 7 p.m. the first Thursday of every month at Take 16 in Luverne. Team registration begins at 6 p.m.
Reminiscence Kits are available featuring various topics such as gardening, pets, baking, sewing, farming and hunting. The kits are designed to use with a loved one experiencing memory loss, encouraging the loved one to open up about activities they once loved in the past.
Community Ed announcements
Community Education will offer the following classes in the next few weeks. Call 507-283-4724 to register.
ECFE Classes for children ages 0-5 years and parents offers information and support to parents and provides activities for parents and children to explore together through classes that meet once a week throughout the school year.
New Residents: Census Information Needed for Preschool Children. Call 507-283-4724 with information for children ages 0 to kindergarten. The school district uses the information for planning purposes, mailing out information on school events, including the state-mandated Preschool Screening for all 3-year-old children.
Food Shelf evening hours
The Rock County Food Shelf is now open for an additional evening shift from 5 to 6 p.m. the first and third Thursdays of the month. Call Mary at 507-227-5548 or Katie at 507-227-3531.
CoffeeBreak Bible Study meets Tuesdays
CoffeeBreak Bible Study meets each Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Christian Reformed Church in Luverne. There will be StoryHour Bible stories and playtime for ages 3 to kindergarten, and a nursery is available. It’s free for all faiths and no prior Bible knowledge is necessary. Call Kristi Stroeh at 507-227-5102 or email
A.C.E. respite care available, volunteers needed
A.C.E. of SW Minnesota (A.C.E.) offers respite care services in Rock County for those needing a break from caring for a loved one.
The respite program offers short-term (1-3 hours), temporary care for families and caregivers by providing a brief period of reprieve from the daily cares they provide to their loved one.
Volunteers provide non-professional supportive services to caregivers to give them time for themselves, relieve their stress and help them remain healthy.
Respite care volunteers are also needed. Trained A.C.E. volunteers provide respite care to family caregivers of adults age 60 and older who are suffering from long-term health conditions.
Contact Linda Wenzel at 507-283-5064 or
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