My last column was about my fishing trip, and this one is about Mary’s and my recent trip to Las Vegas.
To give you an idea of how the overall trip went, the file I created for all the flight, hotel and other information was called “the trip from hell” file.
We were one of four couples going to Vegas to celebrate the 65th birthday of the “baby” of the group. He was the first of the group to book the flight for himself and his wife, and he did so on Frontier Airlines through Expedia. He shared with us the unbelievable low price and great departure time, albeit out of Minneapolis. We had never before used Expedia or flown on Frontier Airlines but went ahead and booked our tickets.
One day after the flights were booked and hotel reservations were made, our flights were canceled and a couple of other Frontier flight options were made available. Option one took 13 hours to get there, and option two was on completely different days than when we wanted to go. Needless to say, we cancelled everything and started the process over. We ended up flying Delta to and from, and I can’t say enough good things about Delta … highly recommend them.
That’s not to say our experience with the TSA was delightful.
After zigzagging our way through the line to get to Mr.TSA and present our driver’s license, which we did, upon his inspection of said license, he said the words you never want to hear from Mr. TSA: “We have a problem here.”
It seems while I was booking our tickets, I put my date of birth on Mary’s ticket and her date of birth on my ticket. Mr. TSA seemed to be taking great pleasure in telling me I had to go back to the Delta ticketing area and have them change the dates of birth.
As you can imagine, I handled this with great calmness and control of any verbal outburst.
Mr. TSA told us that once we had the corrections made, we could come back through the priority line directly to the front of the line.
Lucky for me, Delta had a “Delta help agent” line for stupid people like me that need help fixing their mistakes. It was no surprise that the Delta help agent … and now Mary … seemed to take great pleasure in my blunder.
Another reason to recommend Delta is this little booking error on my part was fixed in as little as three minutes and the Petersons were headed back to Mr. TSA in the priority line right to the front of the line. Mr. TSA greeted us with “That didn’t take long.” He wasn’t sure if the change would be in the system that quickly. He checked and thankfully the dates had been corrected and the problem solved.
That was until Mr.TSA said we have another problem: The genders are wrong. I had Mary listed as male and me as female. So much for calmness, and the verbal outburst was just about to be unleashed when I had a thought. I asked Mr. TSA, “When you consider the world we live in today, do you think our gender really matters?” He looked at me and said, “Enjoy your flight.”
All in all, if you disregard the ticket mess and the fact that we got lost trying to find our room, not to mention getting charged (wrongfully, I might add) $36 for a box of intimate pleasure items that were in a display case in our room, we had a great trip.