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Military greeting cards were sent off this week

For What It's Worth
Lead Summary
Rick Peterson, general manager

With nearly 400 greeting cards already collected, we sent off a couple hundred greeting cards last week to American military personnel currently deployed around the world, including four from Rock County.
I would like to thank Lexi Moore and the students from the Hills-Beaver Creek schools and Jason Berghorst and the students from the Luverne schools for accounting for nearly half of the cards so far. Also, the Luverne Area Chamber has been great in providing greeting cards at the Love the Light display of Christmas lights at the park.
 We’ll be sending out another packet of cards this week to Military Missions so they can add them to the nearly 8,000 packets they send around the world to deployed service personnel.
As we were putting together the packets for the deployed Rock County service personnel, I couldn’t help but visualize in my mind their reactions as they open the packets from Luverne.
Because of privacy issues, the Office of Veterans Services is unable to provide us with names and addresses of Rock County deployed personnel, so if you have a family member you want us to send a packet of cards to, please send us their name and deployed address and we’ll get those in the mail this week.
Back to the Love the Lights display in the park for a moment. Last year the CEO students lit up the park for Christmas as one of their community projects. This year they have moved on to another project to be held in January.
Lighting up the park for Christmas was so popular that the Chamber took the lead in this year’s “Love the Light” Christmas display and encouraged local businesses to participate. What we have this year is a very good start and something to build on next year. There is plenty of room for more displays.

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