It’s the first week of May, and until this week it felt more like March. Prom has passed, citywide cleanup is in the books, and Mother’s Day and the Minnesota fishing opener are just around the corner.
Driver, beware, because this week is garage sale week. Some sales start on Wednesday, but for the most part Thursday through Saturday are the big days. Traffic through the neighborhoods will be heavier than normal where quick stops and midblock U-turns will be the norm.
This week the city crews have been picking up branches and by week’s end will more than likely be starting their weekly mowing schedules.
A week or so ago we all received our proposed property taxes for the upcoming year. It’s no surprise there was a bit of grumbling at the coffee shops and bars, but I challenge you to find a city that does a better job of plowing streets in the winter and cleaning up our household junk, not to mention the hours and hours of mowing they do every summer.
Another treasure this city has is Redbird Field, which by the way is the site of an exhibition baseball game between the hometown Redbirds and the Sioux Falls Canaries at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 6.
The Take 16 Brewing company is sponsoring the event. Admission is bucks for adults and free for students.
Birds Brew Pale Lager, brewed by Take 16, will be available at Redbird Field and at the after-party in the Take 16 beer garden.
Nothing says summer like baseball, beer and brats.