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Looking back reveals a not-worth-repeating year

For What It's Worth
Lead Summary
Rick Peterson, general manager

As I ponder today’s current events, I was wondering what was consuming my thoughts last year at this time.
With a quick look back at my late August 2019 column, I discovered that turning Social Security age was my topic of the week.
So that got me to thinking what was on my mind the year before that and the year before that and so on. So the topic back in 2018 was about hosting the Minnesota Governor’s Pheasant Hunting Opener.
Late August 2017 we were just finishing up co-hosting the USO show at the Palace Theatre. In 2016 I wrote about the Rock River Beer Fest, and the 2015 late August column was about all things “Fall Football and Pheasants.”
In 2014 I was busy promoting the LACF fund drive “30 for 30.”
The 2013 memories are a favorite: My family was busy and excited about putting the finishing touches on our daughter Jenna’s wedding that took place two weeks later.
Frankly, there isn’t much that I want to remember about 2020.
Now that I am Social Security age plus one year, I have to reconsider my thinking as to what I deem as old age. In my early 20s, 40 seemed old; at 40, 60 seemed a long way off.
Now that I’m creeping toward my mid-60s, reaching the 70s doesn’t seem so old. I just hope there aren’t any more years like this one along the way.

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