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Light display spectacular in Luverne, and getting a laugh at ourselves

For What It's Worth
Lead Summary
Rick Peterson, general manager

If you missed the fireworks this past Sunday night, sad for you. They were nothing short of spectacular.
There is a video on our Facebook page that will give you a sample of how great they were. The park was just as cool.
Kudos to the Luverne Chamber, City of Luverne Public Works Department, local businesses and churches and individuals that donated money for the fireworks and put up displays.
Once again Luverne shows why it’s the standard other communities strive to achieve.
And while I am handing out kudos, the Cozy Rest Motel’s Christmas light display seems to get bigger and bigger each year.
If you have ever driven by when they are putting the lights up, it’s a bit scary to watch. They put all those lights up with the aid of extension ladder and poles.
The display has truly become a Highway 75 attraction.
* * *
Network television programing has gotten so poor that the best things on TV are the commercials. One of my new favorites is the Progressive Insurance Company featuring Dr. Rick.
Dr. Rick is a Dr. Phil kind of guy that is helping to prevent mid-thirtyish adults from taking on habits of their older parents.
It’s probably too late for Mary and me, but we could have used a little help from Dr. Rick.
We do a few things the same as our parents did. Eating supper shortly after 5 p.m. comes to mind. Or watching the Andy Griffith Show on MeTV instead of the latest show on Netflicks.
When we take the interstate to see our grandkids in Hartford, I get passed like I am standing still. Then I realize I am driving only 65 mph in an 80 mph zone, and still I don’t speed up.
Also, our nightlife isn’t what it used to be, because when you don’t like to drive after dark, it limits your options.
The Progressive Insurance commercials are more realistic than you think, which is probably why they’re so funny.
They’re a reflection on us. And if you can’t laugh at yourself, you shouldn’t laugh at anyone.

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