Half of 2023 is already behind us.
Almost six months ago, I “double dogged dared” readers to get off the couch and become more active and not to say “no” to a physical challenge.
Now it’s time to check in to see where everyone is. With six months left in 2023, there is still time to reach those goals set earlier this year.
I recently revisited my goals, and you know what? I’m doing pretty good.
Goal No. 1 was to lose the final 10 pounds to my goal weight of 135.
And you know what?
I’ve reached that goal and the scale is still moving down as I maintain a food-tracking routine that’s increased my metabolism. I burn calories more efficiently through developing better food choices and short four-days-a-week weightlifting, yoga and Pilates exercises.
My next goal was not to be a bystander.
I walk daily and during May, I increased my step count by 2,000 steps and ended the month just shy of 400,000 steps. I found reaching that daily goal takes time. After 30 days I pre-plan that extra hour in my day so I can spend it outside on one of the various trails around Luverne or, in a pinch, the gravel roads surrounding home.
May also saw me finish the 5K Gladiator Assault Challenge complete with its 16 obstacles that involved climbing, crawling and wading through mud. I had the choice of skipping an obstacle (climbing 20 feet in the air is not a favorite activity of mine), but I did it anyway and feel so accomplished in not saying “no.”
Would I do the challenge again? Yes. But will I actually want to do the challenge again? That’s probably a no.
I want to participate in other experiences.
One experience I also don’t want to repeat is being overweight. When I started my wellness journey in November, I tipped the scales at the obese level for my height and age. I don’t want to be at that level again.
Fortunately, I have a wellness group that keeps me on track and gives the necessary advice to move forward and not fall back to my previous habits of couch sitting and potato chip munching.
Currently, I am working on my sleep habits.
With the increased energy, I’ve found myself becoming a night owl. As midnight approached, that’s when I found myself puttering around the house or, in most instances, that’s when I caught up on watching my favorite TV shows. At best I would average six hours of sleep when the optimal amount is seven to nine hours.
The June challenge is to track hours of sleep.
Fortunately, there is an app for that.
So far I am on target (with only four days of data) with an average of eight hours of sleep.
And it’s not just lying in bed watching TV or reading a book. I’ve made a point to drop all electronic use by 9:30 p.m. and not to take an afternoon nap.
I’ve been good and tired as I settle into bed. My tracker indicates I’m doing great, but I admit it takes a conscious effort not to fall back into those night owl habits — I was getting so much done!
Are you reaching your 2023 goals? And why not?