Sunday is Father’s Day and the funny thing about Father’s Day for me is I don’t consider it a day set aside for me as a father.
I know that sounds rather confusing, but what I am trying to say is Father’s Day for me is more about three other very important fathers in my life.
First is my father, or Dad, as I called him. He died of cancer at the age of 47 some 40 years ago. I think about him often and I always think about him on Father’s Day, Veterans Day and Memorial Day.
When I think about my dad, my thoughts are not so much what I miss about him, but more about what he missed by dying so young.
He missed watching his three sons grow up and have families of their own. He missed watching his grandchildren grow up and have families of their own. He would have no doubt enjoyed that very much.
The other two fathers I think about often, and especially on Father’s Day, are my son, Nate, and son-in-law, Blair. I am very proud of both of them for being great fathers. Nate is father of three boys and Blair is the father of two daughters.
Of course those three boys and two girls are Mary’s and my grandchildren, and once again I think about my dad and what he missed.
I must say watching your kids grow up and start families of their own and see them become great parents is about the best Father’s Day gift this dad could ask for.
Happy Father’s Day to all of you dads.
Father's Day is about more than just me
Sunday celebrates great-grandpas, sons and sons-in-law
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Rick Peterson, Tollefson Publishing general manager