It’s always been a challenge to get high school spring sports games, matches and meets in due to weather. And last year the spring sports season was washed out altogether, thanks to COVID.
This spring things looked promising. Games, matches and meets were scheduled and the early April weather gave everyone hope that soon players, coaches, parents and, in my case grandparents, would be outside enjoying the events.
There are COVID-19 protocols in place, but that really didn’t seem to dampen anyone’s spirit. I mean spring sports with protocols is better than no spring sports at all.
Apparently Mother Nature had other plans. The nice early April weather turned to crappy weather, and games, matches and meets were postponed and rescheduled.
Mary and I are in a somewhat peculiar position. While we are Luverne Cardinal fans most of the time, we do cheer for the Redwood Valley Cardinals when the two redbirds meet.
Our three grandsons play football, basketball, baseball and hockey for the Cardinals to the north.
When the two Cardinal teams square off against each other, Mary and I take the approach that we are in a win-win position as Cardinals.
When the northern Cardinals play the southern Cardinals in Luverne, that’s like a double home game for us.
We get to watch both Cardinal teams, and no matter who wins, it’s okay with us. Well, that is, if the Peterson Cardinal has a good game, of course.
Anyway, hopefully Mother Nature gets this weather thing straightened out and we hear “Play ball!” instead of “Sorry, the game has been postponed.”