Before I close the book on 2022, I want to thank all of you who took the time to write a note in a Christmas card or drew one of your own. We collected nearly 700 cards this year, and the last box was just shipped off last week to Military Missions Inc. in Lexington, Kentucky.
We also dropped some cards and coloring contest entries off at the Minnesota Veterans Home.
May you have a blessed new year knowing you helped make someone’s Christmas a little brighter.
New Year 2023 is at our doorstep, and frankly I am more than ready for a new year, especially with the winter weather we had in the last month of 2022.
The past year was kind of a cancel event year for me. It all started about this time last year. We had plans for a family gathering to ring in the New Year, but I came down with COVID, and that ended that.
I bought a South Dakota fishing license, only to have our annual fishing trip canceled. I bought a South Dakota pheasant hunting license only to have bad weather scrap that trip.
I still have the month of January … maybe I can squeeze a quick South Dakota trip in before the end of the season.
The weather didn’t help our plans for last weekend’s trip to the cities for the Vikings game.
Our Fourth of July celebration with our out-of-town friends was canceled due to an illness.
My plan for 2023 is to be a bit more spontaneous and make plans on the fly.
If I find myself with a couple of free days and the weather is cooperating, head to the hills – the Black Hills, that is – or make a couple of phone calls and get the fishing group together and drop a line in the Missouri River.
I am not banking on this, but if Mother Nature can get her act together in the next couple of weeks, who knows? Maybe a three-day pheasant hunting trip may still be possible.
Goodbye 2022 and welcome 2023! Happy New Year!