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1905: Rural Route 4 begins at Luverne Post Office

Lead Summary
Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society

The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on April 28, 1905.
New Rural Route
Fourth To Be Fed From Luverne Postoffice
To Begin Operation June 1
Recent Petition to Department at Washington for Establishment of R. F. D. R. No. 4, to Extend South from the city is Granted—Route Covers Area of Twenty-Eight Square Miles and Will Serve Population of 480
Postmaster M. Swedberg received notice Saturday from the Postoffice Department at Washington that the application for a rural free delivery route made several weeks ago by a number of the residents of Luverne, Clinton and Magnolia townships had been granted and that the route would be started June 1. Gilbert Gutterson, special agent of the department, was here a few weeks ago and inspected the route proposed by the petitioners and as it met with the requirements of the department gave it his approval. The route will be known as Luverne Rural Free Delivery Route No. 4. It is twenty-eight miles long and serves ninety-four houses and four hundred and seventy people. The course of the route is as follows:
Beginning at the post office and running southwest to the center of the east line of section 10, (the south end of Kniss avenue); thence south three miles to the center of the east line of section 27; thence west one mile; thence south two and one-half miles to the northeast corner of section 9, Clinton township; thence east one and one-half miles to the center of the south line of section 2; thence north one mile; thence east one mile to the center of the south line of section 36, Luverne township; thence north one and one-half miles to the center of section 25; thence east one-half mile and south one-half mile to the northwest corner of section 31, Magnolia township; thence east one mile and south one mile to the northwest corner of section 5, Kanaranzi township; thence east two miles; thence north three miles to the northeast corner of section 21, Magnolia township; thence west two miles and south one mile to the northwest corner of section 29; thence west two miles to the northwest corner of section 25, Luverne township; thence north two miles to the southeast corner of section 11, (known as Jaycox’ corner,) and thence along the irregular road passing through the park to the post office.
The examination for carriers for this route have not yet been held, but they will be in ample time to secure the appointment of the carrier by June 1, the date set for the beginning of delivery.
         Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, 312 E. Main Street, Luverne, MN 56156.
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