The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on February 3, 1905.
In Social Circles
Record of a Typical Mid-Winter Week
Serial Life In Luverne Characterized by One Continuous Round of Pleasure—Dancing, Card, Dinner, Birthday Parties, Etc.—Wedding next Wednesday
This is continued from last week’s publication
The most enjoyable event of last season was the first party given by the “Has Been” club. In view of this fact the sending out of the subjoined invitations has aroused keen interest among those fortunate enough to receive them. The invitations, which, by the way, have been sent to married people only, are printed on wall paper and read as follows:
Ure hereby notified that the Has Been Overhawl Klub are agoing fur to have another one of those popular meetins, same as the ones you was, or ought to have ben to last year. This meetin is agoin to be held at Onion hall, Friday, February 10th, 1905. The same rules and regulashuns will govern as were in force at former meetins, and iny person bringin more’n one wife will have to stay in the auntie room. There won’t be no tickets to this meetin, so bring you notice with you, as you kant get in without it Kissin or flurtin is prohibited, and iny person wearin store close will have to go without supper and help wait on table. The committee believe in womin sufferage and every other dance will be ladies’ choice. Susies baud will furnish musick and Proffessor Waxinheimer will render vocal selections durin the evenin. Ure xpected to bring a basket filled with sumthin to eat and don’t ferget tew koffey kups. Now this is all fur fon and if bizness interfers with this meetin, cut out, the bizness, for if we dident want you, we woodent have asked you to kum.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ulrich and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ulrich were hosts and hostesses Wednesday evening at a delightful card party given at the home of the former to the heads of the firm and the clerks in the different departments of Nelson Brothers’ store. Twenty-four guests were present.
The Hydrophobia club gave a banquet Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wittenberg in honor of Mr. John M. Connell and Dr. F. W. Winter.
Jay Sanders and Francis Kelley entertained a number of their young friends at a card party Saturday evening at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sanders.
Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Palmer were host and hostess last evening at a pretty little dinner party given to a number of their neighbors at their home on West Main street. Twelve people gathered at the table, which was prettily decorated.
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Nelson entertained a few of their friends Friday evening at an informal card party.
Two events are scheduled for rounding out the social record of the week—one tonight and one tomorrow night. This evening the Luverne Social club will hold one of their enjoyable dancing parties in Union hall. This is the club’s fourth dance of the present season. Tomorrow night Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Furlow will entertain the members of the “Muskrat Club” and their wives at diner at their home on Lincoln and Estey streets.
Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, 312 E. Main Street, Luverne, MN 56156.
Mann welcomes correspondence sent to
1905: The parties continue
Bits By Betty
Lead Summary
Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society