The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on June 24, 1892.
The Old Settlers
The Annual Meeting Held at the Court House Last Saturday
Pursuant to the call published in these columns, the annual meeting of the Old Settlers’ association of Rock county was held at the court room last Saturday afternoon. E. L. Grout, president of the association, called the meeting to order, and the usual routine business was dispatched. The following names were proposed for membership, and on motion each was selected by acclamation: T. O. Tollefson, Aaron Baer, James Preston, Rev. Herman Ohs, W. M. Green, and B. I Crossman.
The association then proceeded to the election of officers, and on motion the secretary was instructed to cast the vote of the association for the following:
E. L. Grout, president; Philo Hawes, recording secretary; Rev. E. Bronson, corresponding secretary; A. Jaycox, treasurer; vice-presidents, C. C. Drew, Luverne; M. C. Smith, Clinton; Sydney Johnson, Kanaranzi; Sylvester Norton, Magnolia; Th. O. Opsata, Vienna; Frank Mitchell, Battle Plain; Lars A. Karterud, Denver; T. O. Tollefson, Mound; K. K. Steen, Rose Dell; W. P. Noble, Springwater; B. I Crossman, Beaver Creek; G. Anderson, Martin; executive committee, T. P. Grout, James Preston, Rasmus Halvorson.
On motion the secretary was instructed to have the notice and date of the annual meeting published in the county papers.
The president was authorized to appoint a committee of three to draft resolutions of condolence and sympathy to the families of all deceased members of the association, said resolutions to be forwarded to members of the families and also to be spread on the records of the association, and Rev. H. Ohs, Rev. E. H. Bronson and Deacon Drew were appointed as such committee.
It was decided, on motion, that at every annual meeting of the association hereafter, a reunion of the members of the association be held under the supervision of the executive committee.
Since the association was organized in January, 1886, six new members have been admitted, seven have died, and twenty-two have moved away.
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1892: Old Settler's association conducts annual meeting
Bits By Betty
Lead Summary
Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society