The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on September 21, 1921:
Instructive Health Work Exhibit Will Also be Made Under Direction of County Nurse Doyle
A public rest room will be one of the features of the Red Cross and Public Health exhibit at the Rock county fair to be held September 13th to 16th. The rest room and exhibit will be in charge of County Nurse Miss Mary Doyle.
A large tent has been donated by the fair association for rest room purposes and will occupy one of the prominent positions on the grounds. In addition to the rest room facilities, the “health tent” will have special facilities for the handling of all first aid cases on the fair grounds. Cots will be ready at all times for the use of the ill or the injured.
Health propaganda in pamphlet form will be distributed from another part of the tent, and the subjects covered will include everything from pre-natal care to the correct nutrition for the growing child.
This tent is expected to fill the long felt want of a place on the fair grounds, where women and children may rest, and where emergencies may be effectively handled.
A bureau of general information on public health problems will be conducted and it is probable that several visiting public health nurses will be in attendance. Much help will be needed to successfully carry on the public health program at the fair and volunteer workers are requested to hand their names to Miss Doyle at the rest room before September 10th.
An additional feature in the public health program will be the showing of free health movies in the sales pavilion during the fair. This movie show is made possible by the Rock County Public Health Association and the pictures are exceptional inasmuch as they are complete dramas with a strong health moral.
If it is found feasible to darken the sales pavilion, the shows will be given afternoons as well as evenings, and the pictures are of interest to the young, as well as the old.