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  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    August 23, 2022
    Riding a donkey was not on my “bucket list.” But my recent experience of doing just that was a topic of conversation days after the Celebrity Donkey Races during Rock County Fair last month. I hope fair organizers bring the event back for 2023, for I have some unfinished business with a donkey named Amos. You see, the little gray-and-white donkey developed a special bond with me. Prior to the…
  • By Rick Peterson, general manager
    August 23, 2022
    Mary and I have grandkids who live in three different states — Minnesota, South Dakota and Iowa. As you are probably well aware, it’s back-to-school shopping season. The parents of our grandkids are in various stages of their back-to-school shopping, depending on when their school starts. It’s fair to say all are nearing the panic stage of the back-to- school shopping season. Simply put, I am…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historian
    August 23, 2022
    The following article is part of the Diamond Club Member group that began in the January 7, 1943, issue of the Rock County Star Herald. Members of this group consist of persons of age 75 and older. This article is continued from last week about David E. Payne, one of Luverne’s pioneer presidents. The article appeared in the April 15, 1943, edition of The Rock County Star Herald. While in North…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    August 16, 2022
    Our dear Charlotte has gone to the big chicken coop in the sky. It was the madness of the Covid lockdowns in the spring of 2020 that brought her to us. I purchased chicks for my nieces and nephews, hoping the presence of new pets would help the children deal with the pain and isolation caused by remote schooling. What it actually did was distract them for about 10 minutes – leaving me with pet…
  • By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway Patrol
    August 16, 2022
    Question: I see vehicles go by with extended carriers attached to their hitch with several full gas cans. We discuss what could happen if a driver was not paying attention and ran into one such vehicle. How safe can this be? Is there any law in place that makes this unlawful? Answer: There is no law against transporting fuel containers on an extended carrier for non-commercial vehicles, although…
  • By Betty Mann, Rock County Historian
    August 16, 2022
    The following article is part of the Diamond Club Member group that began in the January 7, 1943, issue of the Rock County Star Herald. Members of this group consist of persons of age 75 and older. This article appeared in the April 15, 1943, edition of The Rock County Star Herald.    Helping to move the buildings of an entire village using only oxen as motivating power, earning his own living at…
  • By George Bonnema, Luverne Horticulturalist
    August 16, 2022
    It’s Monday and we are getting blessed with a very gentle rain; I just direct-seeded scallions, lettuce and radishes for a fall crop, and this is the perfect rain to get those seeds growing. After planting, I spread a very light covering of dried grass over the rows. This will shade the soil enough to  help keep the soil moist while the seed germinates and the shade will also help mediate the…
  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    August 16, 2022
    It took me until I was about 35 years old to realize that each time you purchase a firearm it should be “in addition to the one I already have,” instead of trading in the one I already had. It was more a case of having enough funds so I could afford the new gun without the price offset of trading in the one I currently owned. I visit all the time with parents who are considering a gun purchase…
  • By Jason Berghorst, reporter
    August 09, 2022
    A few weeks ago, my 11-year-old television quit.  My first course of action was to ask two tech-savvy friends for TV advice. Both suggested a “smart” TV. One specifically suggested an Amazon Fire TV that he had purchased online earlier this year. Being a middle-aged, traditional shopper, I wasn’t quite ready to purchase a TV online. So, off to Best Buy I went. No doubt the young salesperson saw…
  • By Rick Peterson, general manager
    August 09, 2022
    August is a big month for me, and this year especially has more milestones than usual. August is my wedding anniversary and my birthday month. Mary and I celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary Saturday by attending our youngest granddaughter’s fifth birthday party. We have seven grandchildren, and celebrating the youngest one’s birthday on our 45th anniversary allowed us to reflect on the past…
  • August 09, 2022
    The following article is part of the Diamond Club Member group that began in the January 7, 1943, issue of the Rock County Star Herald. Members of this group consist of persons of age 75 and older. This article appeared in the April 15, 1943 edition of The Rock County Star Herald.          Skiing, now a popular winter sport in Minnesota, served a practical purpose as well as being a form of…
  • By George Bonnema, Luverne Horticulturalist
    August 09, 2022
    Marvelous rain this weekend, and I am so very grateful! I’ve been able to water enough to keep my gardens producing quality produce, but that seems such a futile effort considering the size of the gardens coupled with heat … rain changes the whole picture! It is August, and if you have fern leaf peonies, you’ll notice they are turning yellow because they have finished their growing cycle for the…
  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    August 09, 2022
    I was sitting in my garage the other night with a couple of guys who had just finished up shooting on their trap league for the week. They are both avid hunters and both have hunting dogs of differing ages. It seemed like only about an hour had passed when in fact more than four hours had turned off the clock. Outdoor lifestyles and passions have always been my most vivid memories. As I recalled…
  • By Lori Sorenson, editor
    August 02, 2022
    Matt and I recently met friends near Hill City, South Dakota, for our annual ATV ride on the trails of the Black Hills National Forest. As always, the four-day getaway included campfire conversations, relaxing picnics on scenic overlooks, and — best of all – abundant  wildflowers.  We have wildflowers in Rock County, but there’s nothing like rounding the curve of a wooded trail that opens into…
  • By Betty Mann, Rock County Historian
    August 02, 2022
    The following article is part of the Diamond Club Member group that began in the January 7, 1943, issue of the Rock County Star Herald. Members of this group consist of persons of age 75 and older. This article appeared in the April 1, 1943, edition of The Rock County Star Herald.          The term “cost of production” is an expression which brings back memories to Mrs. Mina Carlisle of Battle…
  • By George Bonnema, Luverne Horticulturalist
    August 02, 2022
    Dwarf reblooming daylilies have finished their first and main flush of flowers for the summer. Some of those stalks have developed seed pods and others have just dried up. We want to encourage those daylilies to rebloom, which they will do, but cutting out the stems with seed pods will encourage them to develop new flowering stems sooner. The flower stalks that have dried up can usually be pulled…
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