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  • July 17, 2024
    Lehman: Do the research Letter to the Editor: Mr. Hudson (in a July 11 Star Herald letter to the editor) emphasized the importance of asking questions, with which I agree, but I also believe in research. I haven’t the temerity to speak for the mayor or City Council, but I can share my own experiences. My wife and I moved here from Brandon in 2022. Full disclosure, I lived in Luverne…
  • July 10, 2024
    Hudson: People need to ask questions Letter to the Editor: I went to the valuation meeting May 14 which was open from 4:00 to 4:30 for the public which I feel is a way to keep the people from attending as most people cannot get off work at this time and the mayor and council know this, so what are they hiding? There were only a half dozen of us there and they all said they have been fixing up…
  • July 03, 2024
    Schoneman: Celebrate spirit of community this Fourth of July    Letter to the Editor: As the postmaster of Luverne, Minnesota, I am writing to express the unwavering commitment of our postal staff to serving our wonderful community. With the Fourth of July approaching, a time when we celebrate our nation's independence and the freedoms we cherish, it is also a fitting moment to reflect on the…
  • June 05, 2024
    Bremer: Artificial Intelligence is real Letter to the Editor: I am known by many to be a technology geek of the highest order. Artificial Intelligence is forging its way into our existence in so many ways. I, for one, detest that fact that AI takes over the jobs of real people (like our local DJs at the once local radio stations). In order to get any type of real assistance on the Internet,…
  • April 17, 2024
    Smith: Thank you mail carrier Noel Benjamin To the Editor: We hear a lot about our mail delivery and some of the delays in service, but I would like to present a favorable instance that could have been very serious if not for the action of our mailman, Noel Benjamin. On Tuesday, April 9, I was taking the garbage to the container in the garage to be picked up the following day. I had to move…
  • March 27, 2024
    Harnack: 'Am I here all alone?' Am I here all alone?!   From the moment I could listen, My parents said to me, “Always treat people with respect, The way you want to be.”   They also told me not to boast, Don’t brag, don’t bully, or lie, ’cause you will have to answer to these, The moment that you die.   I learned the “Sermon on the Mount,” Memorized the “Beatitudes.” But, it seems…
  • March 06, 2024
    Krueger: Township Day is March 12 Letter to the Editor: Mark your calendar for Township Day on March 12. Every resident of Minnesota’s 1,777 townships has the unique opportunity to participate in Township Day on Tuesday, March 12, 2024. The annual meeting on Township Day is what really sets townships apart from other forms of local government. At this meeting, residents have a direct voice in…
  • February 28, 2024
    A way to fight inflation Letter to the Editor: Rejoice in fake news (and what we can do to fix it). To everyone who thinks our boy Trump is a true Christian, I got news for you. The “insurrection” of 1/6/2021 was nothing but a “show” for whose syllable antecedent isn’t worthy of human waste. Re-elect “Damien” and we destroy all that America stands for. MAGA rioters are declaring war against…
  • February 21, 2024
    Third-grader in Virginia needs local assistance with project Letter to the Editor: Dear People of the Great State of Minnesota, Hello! I am a third-grade student in Northern Virginia. Our class is learning about the United States, and I will be teaching our school about the state of Minnesota. In May, I will create a display for our State Fair that I hope will make you proud. Although I have…
  • August 15, 2023
    Fick: 'We're overlooking serious national problems' Letter to the Editor: The big question in Washington now seems to be at what age is an individual disqualified from running for public office. Mental and physical status could be determined by medical doctor exams if an individual is qualified to start running for public office. Age brings experience and can bring knowledge and…
  • July 18, 2023
    Frakes: 'Two-letter word' To the Editor: We’ve been seeing and hearing a lot about abortion these days. They talk about the fact that a woman should have the right to control her own body, but the real fact is that abortion is a reward to a woman who couldn’t control her body. I know that it hasn’t been that long ago that we thought storks brought the babies, but modern science has…
  • July 11, 2023
    Harrison on this year's legislative session: 'Is this what you voted for?' To the Editor: If you haven’t heard about what has happened in our Minnesota Legislature this year, it is important that you know. We are now a sanctuary for abortions that can occur up to the moment of birth, a “privilege” allowed only in six other nations (China and North Korea included). If a baby is born…
  • July 04, 2023
    Altena: ' and I are called to expose the deeds of darkness' To the Editor: If you drove past my house and saw me trying to mow my lawn with my snowblower, at best you would assume I was not fulfilling the intended purpose for my snowblower, right? And yet I believe that scenario represents the mindset of Gov. Walz and every Democratic representative and senator in Minnesota.   I’m…
  • June 27, 2023
    Schomacker: Thanks, Greg, for all your work Letter to the Editor: I have been wanting to write this letter for some time and then another week is gone and I am reading the new Star Herald. So, this is the week. It has been a great addition to the paper with all the cool pictures, many in color, of the sports of Rock County along with great stories. There is proof of when one door closes, another…
  • June 13, 2023
    Olson: Water on earth is about 4.5 billion years old Letter to the Editor: Re: article in current Star Herald about Rock County Water System receiving a grant to determine nitrates and also the age of water in Rock County. If you google “How old is drinking water,” you find that all water on earth is about 4.5 billion years old. It was formed during the formation of the solar system and just…
  • May 16, 2023
    Protecting the elderly: Minnesota’s battle against the landline shutdown          'People with mental health feel isolated' Letter to the Editor: In Minnesota, I recently discovered that telecom companies were granted FCCapproval last August to deregulate the shutdown of copper wire landline phoneservice. Instead, they are allowed to substitute it with internet-based phone service. This…
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