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  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    January 18, 2022
    The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on July 7, 1905. Was a Grand Success Such Was Luverne’s Celebration of the Glorious Fourth 6000 People Were in Attendance Notwithstanding Preceding Unfavorable Weather Conditions, Luverne Observes Our Nation’s Birthday With a Notable Successful Celebration—Occasion Graced by Presence of Governor John A. Johnson Who Delivers Inspiring Address—…
  • January 04, 2022
    Hudson: Wife loses job over not signing vaccine verification form   To the Editor: My wife, Robin, was terminated from her position at Minnwest Bank here in Luverne on Thursday the 30th after ten years of loyalservice. She was terminated because she refused to complete the vaccine verification form, as we researched and in our opinion the vaccines and even the testing are harmful. She chose to…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    November 23, 2021
    The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on February 3, 1905.   In Social Circles Record of a Typical Mid-Winter Week Serial Life In Luverne Characterized by One Continuous Round of Pleasure—Dancing, Card, Dinner, Birthday Parties, Etc.—Wedding next Wednesday       The social record of the past week, which has maintained about the usual average in such matters, includes eleven parties of…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    November 02, 2021
    The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on January 6, 1905.   Birds Score High Many Fine Specimens are Exhibited Event Was a Big Success Fourth Annual Show of Luverne Poultry Association Came to an End Saturday—Majority of Purses Won by Luverne Exhibitors—List of the Prize Winners The fourth annual show of the Luverne Poultry association passed into history Saturday evening. It will not…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    October 26, 2021
    The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Oct. 5, 1932.   Luverne Firemen are Hosts to 300 Visitors …  (Continued from last week) The visiting firemen who registered for the convention were: E. F. Zierke, George Duhmal, W. F. Schendel, Blue Earth; Edward Schueller, A. F. Zwaschka, Adrian Klein, Frank J. Fiebyn, Sleepy Eye; Wm. Kephort, George H. Ostiwald, R. C. Kephart, J. W. Will, Jr…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    September 28, 2021
    The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Feb. 9, 1923.   Public Health Nurse For Luverne Schools   Board of Education Votes to Add Trained Nurse to Regular Staff of Luverne Public Schools   Action Hastened by Big Epidemic of Bad Colds   Mrs. Clara Herm Engaged to Fill Position and Will Enter Upon Duties Early Next Week   In order to further safeguard the health and physical welfare of…
  • By Pastor Andrew Palmquist, Bethany Lutheran Church, Luverne
    September 28, 2021
    For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. (2 Corinth. 4:6) When the author and poet, Robert Louis Stevenson, was 12 years old, he found himself one evening looking out into the dark from his upstairs window, watching a man light the streetlamps. When his governess…
  • By Pastor Walt Moser, First Baptist Church, Luverne
    September 14, 2021
    Thankful thoughts and godly thoughts will change your day. “Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon His name; make know his deeds among the peoples.” 1 Chronicles 16:8 “Complaining not only ruins everybody else’s day, it ruins the complainer’s day, too. The more we complain, the more unhappy we get.” (Dennis Prager) The focus of our thoughts will affect our day and those around us.  When you slip…
  • September 07, 2021
    Stroeh: Sept. 17 is Constitution Day  To the Editor: Sept. 17 is Constitution Day. A day which I feel is more important than ever in our country. My biggest fear is that we have already given up so many of our precious freedoms that I wonder if we will ever get them back. Why is our Constitution so important? Why did our founding fathers work so hard to make sure everyone in America would be able…
  • June 29, 2021
    Ladd questions Star Herald COVID-19 editorial To the Editor: I am writing in response to the “BIG thumbs up” in the June 24, 2021, edition of the Star Herald. According to your “Covid Corner” table on page 2A, 3,637 people in Rock County have the completed series of the Covid shot. There are approximately 9,687 people living in Rock County. That pencils out to approximately 38 percent of Rock…
  • By Cary Radisewitz, Building Bridges JC, Luverne
    June 08, 2021
    We’ve started a new foundation in Rock County that I’d encourage you to join.  Building Bridges JC is non-profit that is part of the Luverne Area Community Foundation (LACF).  All are welcome to participate. We are not affiliated with a church or a political party. The goal of Building Bridges JC is to reach out to groups and individuals that need help and see if we can muster resources to help…
  • May 18, 2021
    Meinerts: Force seatbelt, mask wearing 'is infringing on my freedom' To the Editor: In response to Alan Harnack’s May 6 letter to the editor, I guess we have to go back to basic grade school vocabulary class. Freedom: noun – “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.” Socialism: noun – “a political and economic theory of social organization…
  • March 09, 2021
    To the Editor: When I drive down Highway 75, I see the city of Luverne’s sign saying that we’re all in this together. I don’t think that we are. I feel it is more like us, the freedom-loving, small business-owning, free-thinking American Patriots against a Nazi regime up in the cities. A regime which it seems our city leaders want to be a part of. If it wasn’t for the half page ad in the paper or…
  • March 02, 2021
    To the Editor: We the People have had enough. We value our loved ones. If you choose to not see your loved ones in person, so be it. But don’t tell us we can’t. Go visit your grandparents, quit living in fear. You don’t know what tomorrow holds, embrace those you love now. We value the right to protect our freedom and safety. If you don’t like guns, then don’t buy one. We’ve never tried to force…
  • February 23, 2021
    To the Editor: Things I find perplexing, perhaps even contradictory: Why would we shut down a pipeline and transport oil by truck and rail? Why would a gender who fought years for equality applaud confused men being on their sports team? How is it that people who claim to be Christians vote for a party that wants to kill babies? Has the flu been cured? You hear nothing of it. Perhaps we killed…
  • February 16, 2021
    Kracht: 'We need to call out our government' officials To the Editor: After reading our local newspaper’s half page ad with out mayor praising our governor’s budget proposal, I decided to look into what it all entailed. I read through the proposed budget plan several times, only to find some things that would be horrible for our local economy. Some of the things in this proposal are…
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