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Voice of our Readers Feb. 18, 2021

Kracht: 'We need to call out our government' officials
To the Editor:
After reading our local newspaper’s half page ad with out mayor praising our governor’s budget proposal, I decided to look into what it all entailed.
I read through the proposed budget plan several times, only to find some things that would be horrible for our local economy.
Some of the things in this proposal are appropriating $150 million for rebuilding Minneapolis after the riots, defunding the reinsurance program, raising taxes on corporations, and raising taxes to pay for summer school, among other things.
I am going to address the problems with these things. $150 million for rebuilding Minneapolis. Governor Walz let Minneapolis burn for four days, and some Minnesotans will have to pay for his incompetence for the rest of their lives. He was offered assistance to stop this from the federal government, but refused. Wouldn’t 25,000 armed troops have been a good plan for that? We don’t seem to have a problem with it at the capitol buildings.
Walz also says he would only raise taxes on the wealthiest Minnesotans, but in reality, it is corporations and businesses that were not affected by his Covid shutdowns. Raising taxes on corporations would be a lot of farming operations and small businesses in our area. Raising taxes on businesses deemed essential to pay for his decision to close other businesses is Governor Walz’s plan to cover his rear end on another bad decision!
Raising taxes to pay for summer school. The closing of school was probably the dumbest decision I have ever heard of! The children didn’t learn a thing doing distance learning. It was the most disorganized mess I have ever seen. Then they went to school two or three partial days per week. Now they go to school until 2:30. Does Covid start at 2:30 or on certain days in the week?
Governor Walz and the teachers union made the decision to shut down our schools. The people had no say in this. They didn’t shut down our taxes. We had to pay during that time. Now they are asking us to bail them out.
This budget proposal will raise Minnesotans’ taxes on most of the families in our area. It makes MN the third highest tax rate and the second highest business tax rate in the nation. No wonder businesses are moving out of state to our neighbors to the west! We need to call out our government from the federal to the local level on all of this wasteful spending and taxing the people to pay for it!
Marlin (Mert) Kracht
Meinerts: 'We need to unite'
To the Editor:
In response to Mr. Green’s letter to the editor in the Jan. 28 edition of The Star Herald: I wholeheartedly agree that we need to unite. Unite against abortion, foreign interference in our government, dependency on foreign oil, the assault on the First and Second Amendments, the tyrannical government lockdowns that have stranglehold on small businesses, the huge injustice against our kids with distance/hybrid learning, and the assault on the gathering to worship.
We need to unite against the fear that is perpetrated by the media and our government, and be allowed to live free like our constitution says. The disregard of our flag and nation as a whole is disgraceful and embarrassing.
As far as “uniting with the powers that be,” I think we will follow the example set by the last four years and a month.
God bless America!
Todd Meinerts

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