- By Lori Sorenson, editorJune 07, 2016One of my Memorial Day projects was to clean up an abandoned robin nest that had been built on the porch. It took only a few minutes to rip the tidy round nest from its perch on the brick ledge and scrub away the mud with Dawn soap and water. There, in the span of five minutes, went an entire week’s worth of robin construction. Actually, it may have taken her only a day, but my husband kept…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyJune 07, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on August 29, 1924: ROCK COUNTY USED 1,223,002 GALLONS OF GASOLINE IN 1923 Report of State Oil Inspection Department Shows Rock County Generous Buyer of Gas Rock county used 1,223,002 gallons of gasoline during 1923, according to the annual report of the division of oil inspection of the Dairy and Ford Department. In addition to this quantity…
- By Jason Berghorst, reporterMay 31, 2016I've always been a fan of the old saying, "The more things change, the more they stay the same." I believe that's true and often notice examples of how it applies in life. Each May I am reminded of this old adage when I organize the Adrian sixth-grade class trip to St. Paul. The more things change, the more they stay the same. It was 25 years ago this spring when my sixth-…
- By George Bonnema, Luverne HorticulturalistMay 31, 2016On April 18 I mentioned applying systemic rose care granules to my shrub roses to both feed them and protect them from sucking and chewing insects. That application is repeated at six-week intervals, so it is time to give them another shot of energy. The difference this product makes in the amount of fresh new growth the plant produces is phenomenal. I’ll be its biggest advocate because I have a…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyMay 31, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on August 22, 1924: (Continued from last week) OLE-TIMER RECALLS THE DAYS OF THE EARLY ’70s Collin Estey had the first pre-emption along the Rock river valley in Rock county. Mrs. Deborah Estey, her six sons, Amos, Collin, Orville, Al and Byron and two daughters. Ruth Estey Ferguson and Hulda, came here from time to time during the years…
- By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota State PatrolMay 23, 2016Q: My son is involved in school patrol at his school and I would like to know more about Legionville School Patrol Camp. A: There is a lot of information about Legionville School Patrol Training Camp. The Camp is where school patrol students are taught the fundamentals of school patrol, school bus safety, bicycle, and pedestrian safety. It is located just north of Brainerd and is operated by the…
- By Rick Peterson, Star Herald General ManagerMay 23, 2016If you haven’t notice already, today’s edition of the Star Herald has a number of mentions of the upcoming Memorial Day holiday. Today’s editorial reminds us of the many blessings we have as free citizens because of the sacrifices that tens of thousands of American servicemen and servicewomen have given to our country. Those sacrifices were not only for our benefit but also for the benefit of…
- By Brenda Winter, columnistMay 23, 2016This year’s American Cancer Society Relay for Life in Rock County is Friday, June 10, and guess who’s the honorary chairperson? Yup. I am. When Merecie Domagala (the real chairperson who does all the work) asked me if I’d accept this honorary position, without hesitation I offered an enthusiastic “Yes! I’d love to.” I said yes for two reasons. One, I get to ride in a convertible in the Buffalo…
- By George Bonnema, Luverne HorticulturalistMay 23, 2016For those people who love mowing their lawn, this has been a great spring. For those people who hate mowing the lawn … well, the rest of us can tell. Proper mowing is one of the keys to a healthy lawn. Set your mowing height at 3 or 3 1/2 inches tall. Taller grass forms a deeper root system. The stronger plants are better able to fight off insects, disease, and weeds. Mow often enough so that…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyMay 23, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on August 22, 1924: OLE-TIMER RECALLS THE DAYS OF THE EARLY ‘70S George DeForce Returns here After Absence of Forty-Eight Years — And, Becomes Reminiscent. George DeForce, who first came to Rock county with his parents fifty-two years ago, returned here last week after an absence of forty-eight years, and expects to again make his home here.…
- By Mavis Fodness, reporterMay 16, 2016May 23 will be a joyous day even though it lands on a Monday this year. It will be the day after my youngest child graduates from high school. It will also be the day after my youngest daughter is married. How these two events came to be scheduled on the same day can be blamed (in part) on the story my husband, Bryan, and I have told our children countless times. We selected our own marriage date…
- By George Bonnema, Luverne HorticulturalistMay 16, 2016Spring is always a time of transitioning from winter to summer and this year has been no different. The weeks of warm weather have teased us into thinking we were pretty much past the last frost, but then reality scared us … maybe me especially … my casualties were limited, but there were some where the wind removed the protection. And so we go on. The new growth called candles have fully…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyMay 16, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on August 12, 1924: BUILDING FOR HEALTH EXHIBIT REST ROOM AT COUNTY FAIR Three Organizations Unite for Construction of Exhibit Building and Rest Room at Fair Grounds Under arrangements completed this week, the Rock County Chapter of American Red Cross, the Rock County Public Health association and the Rock County Agricultural society will…
- By Rick Peterson, Tollefson Publishing General ManagerMay 09, 2016You know, sometimes no matter how well you plan something, sometimes things can go ... well, not as planned. Such a scenario happened to our daughter a couple of weeks ago. Emily, who lives in Des Moines, Iowa, was hosting a Garth Brooks concert gathering for her brother and his wife and her sister and her husband. Weeks, if not months, of planning went into this get-together. Tickets were bought…
- By Lori Sorenson, editorMay 09, 2016Dear neighbors, Hang in there, the kid will get his driver’s license next year Dear neighbors: This is an open letter to all of our neighbors, whether you are just up the road or across the section (or two or three sections away). Since we moved here nearly a year ago, we’ve really grown to love our new neighborhood and new surroundings. We especially like the rolling hills and endless miles of…
- By Troy Thone, Luverne volunteer weather recorderMay 09, 2016If I happened to be in the business of nicknaming the months, this April would be "Average April." Overall, April temperatures varied little, with average highs just slightly below normal and average lows a few degrees above normal. Even the extremes for the month were not that extreme, with the warmest high occurring on the 14th at a picture-perfect 77 degrees. The coldest low was a…
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