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voice of our readers

  • September 29, 2020
    To the Editor: This past week our home in Luverne was vandalized. Someone trespassed onto our property, tore a Biden/Harris poster off the fence and stole our U.S. flag. How sad is that? I’ve had conversations with others in Rock County who shunned the protesters in Minneapolis and Portland, Oregon, for wrecking property. We look down our noses at those people because of the actions of a few…
  • August 18, 2020
    To the Editor: This political season leading up to the November general election has already begun to heat up with strong emotions, accusations and charges, but also a promise of how we may begin to heal as a country. We need hope as we face challenges on many fronts: health, employment and losses that may combine to feel overwhelming at times. As we have heard many times, we’re all in this…
  • July 14, 2020
    Minnesota, particularly southwest Minnesota, is a place that I am proud to call home and to be raising my children in. We are a people of hard work and self-respect. We face our challenges head on, and over the last few months, we’ve had a few of those. We have, and are going through, a difficult time here in southwest Minnesota. We, as Minnesotans, are not a people who turn away from hard…
  • April 21, 2020
    To the Editor:        Thank you for the uplifting article on the front page of the Announcer dated April 11, 2020.        In light of the varying opinions on our current situation of the Covid-19 virus, one thing we know – we the people are not being told the entire story.        But in the words of George Washington who once said, and I quote, “Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains…
  • April 21, 2020
    To the Editor:      We want to send a huge “Thank You” to all our Rock County residents. Our American Red Cross blood drive on April 7 was an example of how our community pulls together in time of need.      A special thank you to Mike and Wanda Jarchow and their family for opening up their event center so we could utilize a large enough space to keep everyone safe.        A heartfelt thank you…
  • April 14, 2020
    To the Editor:        Holy buckets of septic tank covers! People hoarding T.P.! Did I miss something? Did Bernie win the election?        Actually, T.P. is soft and cuddly and can be comforting to us in this time of near apocalypse. Better than an old newspaper or a corncob anyway.        And speaking of better than an old newspaper or corncob, we are extremely lucky to have a cutting-edge, sharp…
  • April 07, 2020
    To the Editor:      Thank you, Kat Dahl, for your thoughtful, intelligent editorial.      Tragically, our dangerously inept commander in chief ignored experts on the science of contagion and didn’t take the steps necessary to attack its spread. Now his missteps are affecting us here in Rock County, and we are paying the price for his lack ofintelligent leadership in the form of human lives.…
  • March 03, 2020
    To the Editor: Attend Township Day on March 10 — you have a direct voice and vote! Nearly one million township residents in Minnesota will have the opportunity to participate in their local government by attending their township’s upcoming Annual Meeting. On Township Day, held this year on Tuesday, March 10, citizens attending their local township meeting will discuss issues with their town board…
  • February 25, 2020
    To the Editor Beginning in 1790, and every year ending in zero since, the United States Census Bureau has undertaken the decennial census. This year, the 2020 Census is going to be a little different. Although very few homes will receive paper questionnaires when the self-response phase begins next month, every home across Minnesota and the U.S. will receive an invitation to respond online or by…
  • February 18, 2020
    To the Editor: Thank you for the care package with letters from my hometown! It is amazing to see the support that Luverne has to give to all the soldiers that are currently deployed. The small gesture is a friendly reminder of all the good people in this world who take the time out of their busy day and write a letter to a service member. A simple letter goes a long way and always puts a smile…
  • December 22, 2019
    To the Editor: (How good are you at Christmas trivia? Bill Preuss, Luverne, submitted these questions.)   Christmas Trivia 1. Mary and Joseph left what city to go to Bethlehem? Jerusalem Nazareth Tel Aviv Kanaranzi   2. What were the names of the three wise men? Shadrach, Meschach, Abednego Gaspar, Balthasar, Melchior Abdul, Obadiah, Jeremiah Larry, Curly, Moe   3. How many miles did Mary and…
  • December 17, 2019
    To the Editor: I want to thank the woman who graciously paid for my sister and me to enter the craft fair at the Luverne School on Dec. 7. We were travelling to Minneapolis and decided to stop, knowing that one of our favorite vendors was going to be there and that we could pick up a few gifts for the holidays. We were unaware of the full festivities of the event and were not prepared with cash…
  • October 22, 2019
    To the Editor: A total of 685 people were killed by an intimate partner over the past 30 years in Minnesota. Those are only the ones we know about, and it doesn’t include those physically or emotionally injured. The numbers can make domestic violence seem like an overwhelming problem. But you can do something about it. This month is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and whether you’re a survivor…
  • April 02, 2019
    To the Editor:  Help! I have been unable to sleep at night because I am trying to figure out who has the most dysfunctional politicians — the U.S.A. or the U.K.? I would like our politicians to pick up the pace a little. But I’m afraid they’re already all in. Nuts! It will be bad news if our politicians come in second-best worst! Bill Frakes Luverne  
  • July 17, 2018
    To the Editor: The progressives would like to open our borders to everyone who would like to come on board. Some would even get rid of immigration agents themselves. Part of the reason they say we need to do this is the fact that we need more workers. I find this more than curious. This is the same outfit that literally throws hundreds of thousands of little new baby Americans out with the…
  • October 11, 2016
    To the Editor: Have you heard about this Kaepernick dude? Professional football player who won’t stand for the National Anthem because of what he perceives as racial injustice? Hello! This guy plays in the NFL. Let’s talk real disparity. Racial disparity: How many white faces do you see in the huddle? Gender disparity: How many women do you see in the huddle? Physical disparity: How many 5’10”…
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