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Kanaranzi family credits a higher being in the unique circumstances that brought them together

By Lori Ehde
It was a match made in heaven.

That's the only way they can explain it.

Kelly and Crissy Cowell, Kanaranzi, decided in February to become adoptive parents, and eight weeks ago they welcomed twins into their home.

They're thrilled, but they're well aware their babies came to them through unusual circumstances.

"Everyone kept saying there's a bigger hand in this," Crissy said Tuesday. "People don't normally adopt babies this fast. Most people wait for years."

They had less time to prepare for their family than most biologically expectant parents.

On Feb. 12, they were alerted an expectant mother needed adoptive parents for her unborn twins.

By 4 a.m. March 9, the babies were born, and the next day, Kelly and Crissy were holding their sons, Cody and Dylan.

This spring has been a whirlwind of paper work and learning for the new parents.

Crissy said after in-vitro fertilization failed for them last fall, they considered adoption but never filled out the paperwork.

Their connection to the babies, and the unique adoption process that followed, was their affiliation with Jehovah's Witnesses.

Crissy's friend in Jasper had learned of an expectant mother in Louisiana who was looking for adoptive parents.

Because the babies' grandma was a Jehovah's Witness and the mother didn't have a religious preference, the request was made that the adoptive parents be Jehovah's Witnesses.

The Cowells hadn't shared with many people that they were trying to have children, but Crissy's friend knew they were considering adoption and alerted them of the possibility.

They didn't waste time acting on the opportunity.

"One night we filled out paper work for seven hours," Kelly said. "They wanted to know everything about us. What we liked, didn't like - practically down to what kind of toilet paper we used."

Because of the request the babies be placed in a Jehovah's Witnesses home and the fact that they were twins eliminated many other couples from the waiting list.

For Crissy, twins was the icing on the cake. She grew up with twin sisters nine years younger and knew all about caring for babies in twos.

"I've always said I wanted to have twins," she said.

Kelly, who has wanted children for a long time, is simply pleased to be a dad.

The mother was considering another family, but what swayed her decision was the fact that the Cowells live in a rural community and were most open with her from the start.

"It's an open adoption, but we were really open," Crissy said. "We gave her our phone number and our address. She knew everything about us."

An open adoption simply means the birth parents and the adoptive parents have contact with each other.

Since the birth mother already has two children, the Cowells don't fear she'll change her mind, and Louisiana law prevents her from doing so.

"She's not a teen-age mother, but she's single, and she just knows she can't handle two more," Crissy said. "It was bad timing for her but good timing for us."

The Cowells have promised to send monthly photographs of the twins during their first year, and they plan to take them to Louisiana to visit every year after that.

Interacting with the boys, the couple appear perfectly at ease with their new-found parenthood.

Similarly, the boys have bonded with Kelly and Crissy as their own mom and dad.

That's not surprising, considering the Cowells were in the neonatal intensive care unit only hours after the twins were born.

Cody weighed 3 pounds, 14 ounces. Dylan weighed 4 pounds, 4 ounces.

They weren't the only twins in the hospital at that time, and until they were named, nurses in the neonatal intensive care unit affectionately referred to them as the "Minnesota Twins."

Since their birth, they have doubled their weight, and at eight weeks old, they weigh what most babies do when they're born.

"But they were seven weeks premature, so their due date was actually last week," Crissy pointed out.

Other than middle-of-the-night feedings, the couple agree that parenthood - even with twins - has been going smoothly.

"They're good babies," Crissy said. "Unless they're hungry, they don't fuss."

But they're quick to say they've had plenty of help from friends and family.

Kelly's parents, Jean and Sonny Cowell, live in Magnolia, and Crissy's parents, Joe and Donna Gingras, live in Rock Rapids, Iowa, so help isn't far away when they need it.

The Cowells say they're so thrilled with their new family, they wonder if they're still in the "honeymoon phase" of parenthood.

Mother's Day has pagan roots, so Jehovah's Witnesses don't observe the holiday, but these days, the Cowells are celebrating parenthood every day.

"I think our babies are a gift to us," Crissy said. "I don't think it was luck. I our prayers were answered. "

Cancer survivors honorary co-chairs of Relay For Life

By Lori Ehde
Ten years ago, Don Cashin, Luverne, was diagnosed with prostate cancer. That was just two years after his wife, Betty, was treated for uterine cancer.

Looking back, both feel fortunate their cancers were detected early and didn't require invasive chemotherapy or radiation treatment.

As honorary co-chairs of Luverne's first-ever Relay For Life event, the importance of early detection and surgery is the message they hope to bring to area residents.

"I'm glad to be in a position to get this out to people," Betty said Tuesday. "Go in for your checkups, and tell your doctor when your see any strange symptoms. The earlier you catch it, the better off you are."

Relay for Life is the trademark fund-raiser for the American Cancer Society. For each event, local cancer survivors are chosen as honorary chairs to serve as spokespeople for the Relay and for cancer awareness.
According to local Relay planner Vicki Baartman, the Cashins were chosen for Luverne's Relay because of their strong local influence.

"They're such well-known people in the community, and the fact that they're a couple and both cancer survivors made them good candidates," Baartman said.

"We really want to involve cancer survivors in this event. We encourage everyone who's a survivor to come and register that night."

Don and Betty are taking their honorary roles seriously and hope to bring cancer awareness to a level everyone understands.

"When you hear it from people on the street, it means more than just reading in the paper, 'Do this, do that,'" Betty said.

As honorary co-chairs, the Cashins have formally spoken to the Rotary Club and will give a brief speech during the Relay For Life event June 15.

In addition, they are members of the First Farmers & Merchants Bank Relay for Life Team and will lead the Survivors' Lap at 7 p.m. on the night of the Relay.

Survivors who aren't sure if they can make it around the track can request wheelchairs or ride on a golf cart.

Don said he and Betty are honored to represent survivors. "There isn't a family in this community that isn't touched by this, and there are so many people in Luverne who are survivors," he said.

Betty said it's important for community members to understand they don't have to be survivors or committee members or even team members to support the cause.

"If you'e interested, let them know and get involved in whatever way you can," she said. "We hope this will be enough of a success that this will become an annual event."

Relay For Life details
The event in Rock County will be staged on the track and field at Luverne High School starting around 5 p.m.
Relay for Life involves teams of runners and walkers competing against each other to raise the most money.

More than 30 teams have signed up for Luverne's event and are now raising money for the American Cancer Society.

Teams of individuals representing corporations, hospitals, neighborhoods and families take turns on the track through the night with at least one team member on the track at a time.

The Relay for Life is now held nationwide, and thousands of people participate each year to help fight cancer.

The event is most noted for its luminaries that glow in memory of individuals who have died from cancer or in honor of those who have survived cancer.

While the Relay and luminaries are the focal point of the event, the field will be filled with local entertainment, food booths and planned activities.

Volunteers are needed to help with any part of the Rock County Relay For Life, from setting up to cleaning up.

To help call co-chairs Vicki Baartman, 283-4119, or Janet Marshall, 283-4192.

Hills EDA accepts bid on building

By Jolene Farley
The Hills Economic Development Authority was forced to make a very difficult decision at a Tuesday evening meeting.

The EDA received two similar bids for the former American Salvage building in Hills. One presented a manufacturing opportunity and the other a café and recreation center.

Manufacturing offer
John Schwing, president of Technical Services Inc. from Sioux Falls, and Don Packard, president of Northland Precision Machine Inc.. made the first presentation to the EDA.

Schwing and Packard were highly recommended by Hills resident Linus Svoboda, who was present at the meeting.

The companies plan to relocate the working end of their businesses from Sioux Falls to the American Salvage building.

Northland Precision Machine is a tool and die business. Packard has designed and built a mold for a hitch pin caddy that is currently being manufactured, using plastic injection.

Technical Services builds custom controls and automation for area manufacturing companies and the food industry.

Schwing has also developed, designed and patented a device used on heavy-duty trucks, which is sold under the FireOptic brand of bumper guides, lenses and LEDs.

Schwing and Packard would maintain their business addresses and office in their homes in Sioux Falls but would do machine work in the Hills building.

The amount of business the companies could bring into Hills is unknown.

They would try to use local employees, and would patronize the city and local businesses whenever possible. They would offer welding and other farm equipment repair.

The building would be modified with a new 10-by-9-foot overhead door, and the roof would be repaired.

Café and rec center
Dennis Hartman, owner of Cabinet Works Inc., presented a plan next. His plan included a café and recreation center in the American Salvage building.

"I am really gearing toward a place where young people can go to play some pool, play some games and get something to eat," said Hartman. Hartman said no smoking or alcohol would be allowed.

The decor would be done with past and present Patriot memorabilia, according to Hartman. The café would offer fried foods and a daily lunch special.

When Hills EDA President Arlen Leenderts opened the sealed bids, they revealed a $2,400 offer from Technical Services and a $1,000 offer by Hartman.

After some deliberation, board member Dana Dahlquist moved to accept the highest bid.

Leenderts asked for a second on the motion three times with no response from the rest of the board.

"I don't see there is that much difference between the bids. To look at the broader picture, what is each one bringing to the community?" asked board member Wendell Bengtson.

The board agreed they were taking a loss on the building and they needed to weigh who would provide the most benefit to the community.

"Why not get something with the possibility of working?" asked Dahlquist. "We have had cafés before, and they didn't work."

The council advised Hartman that the money required to equip the building with a kitchen could be more than he expected.

"I think it will cost you more than what you think," said board member Jim Jellema. Hartman admitted he had not delved into cost yet.

"We have lost several things in the last few years," said Mayor George Langford. "We need to turn our community around. We need something that will show forward progress right away."

Langford seconded Dahlquist's motion to accept the $2,400 bid from Technical Services, and the motion passed unanimously.

Technical Services will take immediate possession of the former American Salvage building.

The council commended Hartman on his idea and told him not to be discouraged.

In City Council business:
o The council will place a notice in the paper advising residents that proceeding with construction before obtaining a building permit is illegal. There is no charge for a building permit. "They should be at the (council) meeting prior to the project," said Jellema.

o The city will use the rest of a ReLeaf Community Tree Planting Grant to plant four or five trees at the baseball field. Planting trees at the football field ate up $2,430 of the grant.

Boys record golf win

By John Rittenhouse
The Hills-Beaver Creek-Ellsworth boys' golf team raised its record to 2-1 with a victory in Lake Park, Iowa, Thursday.

The Patriots squared off against Sioux Valley-Round Lake-Brewster on the course south of the Minnesota border, posting a 194-206 win over the Raiders.

Tom Janssen set the stage for victory by shooting a nine-over-par 45. Janssen was the meet's medalist.

Blake Brommer, Dean Moss and Ben Herman contributed 46-, 49- and 54-stroke rounds to H-BC-E's winning team tally.

Tom Beaner and Kyle Sammons turned in 59- and 60-stroke rounds without influencing the scoring.

Matt Sather led SV-RL-B with a 12-over-par 48.

The Raider B squad upended the Patriots by a 212-229 tally.

Clint Roozenboom, Jeremy Elbers, Jordan Scott and Adam Lange shot 54-, 56-, 59- and 60-stroke rounds for H-BC-E.

Jamie Moss and Jared Herman shot 61- and 73-stroke efforts without influencing the scoring.

Edgerton nine rallies past H-BC-E boys Tuesday in Hills

By John Rittenhouse
The Hills-Beaver Creek-Ellsworth baseball team slipped to 2-5-1 for the season after dropping a 5-1 home decision to Edgerton Tuesday.

After plating an unearned run in the bottom of the first inning, H-BC-E was blanked the rest of the away.

Edgerton, on the other hand, scored five late runs to even its record against the Patriots this season at 1-1-1.

The Patriots drew first blood in the game in a unique way.

Lyle DeBoer struck out with two outs, but the ball eluded Edgerton's catcher, allowing DeBoer to reach base on an error.

After stealing second base, another potential strikeout by an H-BC-E batter was missed by the catcher. This time DeBoer advanced to third before racing home for H-BC-E's lone run.

Edgerton moved in front by scoring five runs in the fifth inning before capping the scoring with a single run in the top of the sixth.

David Top went the distance on the mound and took the loss for the Patriots. He fanned eight batters.

Paul Jess doubled for H-BC-E's lone hit of the contest.

The Patriots play road games against Red Rock Central and Mountain Lake-Butterfield-Odin today and Tuesday respectively. H-BC-E hosts Bethany Christian for a double-header Monday.

Relay posts first win at HWR since 1990

By John Rittenhouse
Poor weather conditions at the annual Howard Wood Relays in Sioux Falls didn't spoil the experience for the Hills-Beaver Creek-Ellsworth track teams.

Rain and windy weather conditions persisted both Friday and Saturday, and it led to the meet being cancelled early on Saturday afternoon.

The good news for H-BC-E was the Patriots were able to collect five places before the event ended prematurely.

"It was disappointing because we really like this meet," said Patriot coach Tom Goehle. "We go over there wanting to run our best times of the season, and then the weather doesn’t cooperate. Still, our kids ran great. We competed very well, and I was happy with our performances."

The boys medley relay team produced the highlight of the meet for H-BC-E Friday.

Chris Reid, Chris Fransman, Chris Willers and Brad Haak won the Class B version of the event with a time of 3:38.01. It was the first time H-BC-E athletes produced a win at the event since 1990, when the boys' 400-meter relay recorded a title.

The same group of boys experienced some success on Saturday, placing second in the 800-meter relay with a time of 1:34.88.

Erin Boeve locked up a place as an individual competitor for the Patriot girls Saturday.

Boeve ignored poor weather conditions while placing fifth in the long jump with a distance of 15-7 1/4.

H-BC-E's girls secured a pair of places in relay events Friday.

The 3,200-meter team of Shanna and Cassi Tilstra, Brittney Olson and Janelle Jenniges finished seventh with a time of 4:33.34.

The medley squad of the Tilstras, Boeve and Bev Wurpts placed eighth with a time of 4:33.34.

Hills Community Club plans Friendship Days

By Jolene Farley
The Hills Community Club has planned a wide variety of fun things to do during Friendship Days 2001.

Friendship Days are slated for Friday, June 8, and Saturday, June 9.

Festivities begin at 2 p.m. Friday when area golfers tee off in the Friendship Days Golf Tournament at the Rock Rapids Country Club. To enter the tournament, contact Amanda Rozeboom at Hills Product and Design at 962-3195.

Also on Friday evening, the Country Cruisers Poker Run begins at 7 p.m. in Brandon and ends at the Hills Park.

Bright and early Saturday morning, health screenings will be available from 6:30 to 8:30 a.m. in the Hills Fire Hall.

From there, people can walk across the street for the FFA Alumni Pancake Breakfast which is open from 7 to 9 a.m. at the Hills American Legion.

At the Crafts and Bake Sale in the park, many area crafters and bakers will sell their creations.

The volleyball tournament will start at 9 a.m. in the park and continue through the day.

At 10 a.m. the Kiddie Parade begins at Tuff Memorial and ends at the park. All participants receive a treat, and trophies will be awarded.

Country Cruisers show off their wonderful wheels from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the ball diamond adjacent to the park, where a food stand will be open.

Also at 11 a.m. the Kids' Tractor Pull begins in the park.

From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Hills Christian School serves concessions and lunch in the park. Accordion Music by Fritz will entertain diners from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the park.

Kids' games and fun in the park from 1 to 3 p.m. includes a jump tent, Frisbee golf and a scavenger hunt. Cargill will sponsor the Kiddie train.

Doug Chapman offers high-flying fun for those who want an airplane ride from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday. Parental permission is required.

Bingo will be played from 1 to 3 p.m. in the park.

The Baseball Association will serve an evening meal at the Hills American Legion.

At 7 p.m. the Hills-Beaver Creek High School Dance Line kicks off on Main Street, followed by the parade.

The Lions Club will serve homemade ice cream before and after the parade.

Sumo wrestling will follow the parade. Cost is $5 per person. Pre-register by calling Amanda Rozeboom at Hills Product and Design Center.

For more information on Friendship Days activities, contact Hills Community Club president Michele Nelson.

Hills woman gives back to community

By Jolene Farley
Fifty years ago adoption was very different from the way it is now, according to Marilyn Nelson, Hills. She thinks things have "changed for the better."

Nelson was adopted by Harold and Ethel Sather when she was three weeks old. World War II was raging when her future parents got the call.

"My aunt, my mom and my dad collected all the war stamps they could get and went to Sioux Falls to try to get baby stuff," said Nelson.

Because of the war, civilians were allowed to purchase a limited amount of goods at one time, so they split up and went to three different stores.

Marilyn Nelson clearly remembers the moment she found out she was adopted. When she was 7 or 8 years old, she was watching a television show about children without parents.

Marilyn said she was expressing sympathy for the kids on TV. Her mother turned to her and told her she, too, was adopted.

"I remember crying," said Marilyn. "Every time I asked, they would never give me any information."

Marilyn thinks dealing with questions about her birth was difficult for her mother. "I wasn’t anyone else’s (child)," said Nelson. "I was hers." When Marilyn got that through her head, she felt better.

"I really had a good life growing up," said Nelson. "I am so thankful."

Nelson continued to ask occasionally about her birth parents, but she never really received any information from anyone until after her mom died. An aunt then asked her if she wanted to know more.

Nelson found out she was adopted through Lutheran Social Services and her mother was a twin from Iowa.

Her adoption records were closed, but Nelson asked Social Services to contact her birth mother. Nelson's birth mother chose not to see her.

"I am thinking she probably had her own family," said Nelson. "And to bring all that out after that amount of time would be hard."

Nelson said she doesn't blame her birth mother, and the only thing she regrets is she doesn’t have any medical history for her two children, Mark and Marie.

"I am content not knowing," said Nelson.

It was Nelson’s history that led her and her husband, Duane, to become foster parents themselves.

"I needed to give back what I had gotten," said Nelson. "I think I was very blessed."

After their son, Mark, graduated in 1988, the Nelson's took in their first foster child.

The Nelsons helped to raise 10 or 12 children, mostly teens, throughout the years.

Some stayed for a couple of days, some for months. Many still keep in touch with the Nelson family. Nelson said foster parenting is a wonderful experience.

She found the kids would appreciate the little things most. With some, if you asked them how their day went they were shocked. No one ever took the time to ask them that before.

The kids couldn’t believe Duane would wave good-bye every day as they left for school.

Marilyn was richly rewarded when she got a call from a former foster child who told her, "I just want to tell you I still haven’t forgotten making Christmas cookies with you".

All the kids want is to be talked to and to have someone to be there for them, according to Marilyn.

The Nelsons always encouraged the kids to see the good in their parents. They didn’t talk birth parents down.

"I truly believe every mother is doing the best that she can," said Nelson. "Some just lack parenting skills."

She turned to her own children and admitted, "I made some mistakes with you".

"You were a great mother," said Marie, quickly contradicting her mother's words.

The Nelsons want to encourage couples to look into becoming foster parents. "There are kids out there who need someone," said Marilyn

Happy Mother's Day

Ann (left) and Erin Boeve share a special mother-daughter moment at the Hills-Beaver Creek prom Saturday evening in the H-BC High School. Mother's Day is Sunday, May 13.

By Jolene Farley

Cards split with Huskies Tuesday

By John Rittenhouse
The Luverne baseball team played its way to a split during a Southwest Conference double-header against Jackson County Central in Luverne Tuesday.

The Cardinals dropped a disappointing two-run decision to the Huskies in the opener before rolling to an 11-run win in the finale.

Luverne ended the day with a 4-5 overall record and a 3-3 mark in the SWC. The Cards play a double-header in Marshall tonight and two games at the Redwood Falls Tournament Saturday before hosting Redwood Valley for two games Tuesday.

JCC 7, Luverne 5
The Cardinals let a four-run lead slip away during a discouraging two-run loss to JCC in the first game of Tuesday's twin bill.

Luverne took a 5-1 lead in the first three innings, but the Huskies rallied to score the game's final six runs to steal a potential win away from the Cards.

JCC started the comeback by scoring once in the top of the fourth inning before knotting the game at five with a three-run sixth inning. The Huskies plated two more runs in the top of the seventh to complete the rally.

Luverne got off to a good start by plating four runs in the bottom of the first.

Brad Walgrave doubled home two runs in the frame, and Mark Huiskes added a sacrifice fly. Another counter scored on an error.

JCC scored in the top of the second to make it a 4-1 game before Ben Winkels singled and scored on Walgrave's ground out in the third to make it a 5-1 game.

Jon Jarchow went the distance on the hill and took the loss for LHS. He yielded eight hits and seven walks.

Box score AB R H BI
Fick 3 1 1 0
Sandbulte 4 1 0 0
Jarchow 4 1 0 0
Winkels 4 2 2 0
Huiskes 3 0 0 1
Walgrave 4 0 1 3
Fisher 2 0 1 0
Bouwman 3 0 0 0
Iveland 2 0 0 0

Luverne 14, JCC 3
The Cardinals gained a split of the twin bill when they rolled to an 11-run win over the Huskies in Game 2.

The game was tied at three when JCC plated a single run in the bottom of the fifth inning, but Luverne erupted for five runs in the sixth inning and six runs in the seventh to win handily.

Tony Sandbulte put the Cardinals in front to stay when he singled home the first of five runs in the top of the sixth.

Walgrave doubled home two counters, James Fisher supplied an RBI double and Winkels added an RBI single to the rally.

Luverne put the game out of reach with its seven-run seventh inning.

Jarchow doubled home two runs and Tom Frey singled home a pair of counters. Sandbulte added an RBI single, and another run scored on an error.

Huiskes picked up the pitching win by working the first six innings. He allowed three runs and seven hits. Fisher pitched a scoreless seventh inning.

Box score AB R H BI
Fick 5 2 4 0
Sandbulte 3 3 2 2
Jarchow 4 1 2 2
Winkels 4 3 1 2
Huiskes 4 2 1 1
Walgrave 4 1 1 2
Fisher 5 0 3 2
Bouwman 3 0 1 0
Frey 2 0 1 2
Iveland 2 2 1 0
Schmidt 1 0 0 0

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