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Letters to the Editor

  • April 25, 2016
    To the Editor: Each year, usually in May, you see citizens wearing little red crepe paper poppies.  These flowers, the memorial flowers of the American Legion Auxiliary, are offered to you by volunteers of the American Legion Post #123. This year in Luverne Poppy Day will be Thursday, May 26. This is not just a local program; it is a nationwide program.    Thousands of America’s fighting men and…
  • April 25, 2016
    To the Editor: Each year, usually in May, you see citizens wearing little red crepe paper poppies.  These flowers, the memorial flowers of the American Legion Auxiliary, are offered to you by volunteers of the American Legion Post #123. This year in Luverne Poppy Day will be Thursday, May 26. This is not just a local program; it is a nationwide program.    Thousands of America’s fighting men and…
  • April 19, 2016
    To the Editor: The other day I happened to be looking through my atlas, and I discovered that the United States has two borders, one longer than the other. Hmm? We have a bunch of trouble with one and very little with the other. Wouldn’t it be neat if everyone could understand the exact reason we have trouble with one border and not the other? Perhaps we could have a congressional hearing. Oops!…
  • April 11, 2016
    To the Editor: Early on the morning of April 4th, members of an organization called Operation: 23 to Zero travelled to the lower mall of the Minnesota State Capitol for an annual event. That Monday morning they arranged 23 pair of military boots in a long arc, with all pointing the same direction. Each day during the week they would add another 23 pairs to the formation. By the end of the week…
  • March 28, 2016
    To the Editor: Minnesota has endorsed Rubio and the “Bern.” We’ve seen how Rubio will probably end up, but doesn’t the “Bern” make your heart glow? The media says the “Bern” wants to be the first democratic socialist president of the United States. I suppose that means that he likes to socialize and party, but don't they all. Hillary and Bill get paid millions to do it. But wouldn’t it be…
  • March 21, 2016
    To the Editor: Packing and moving out can be a monumental task, especially after 23 years of being in one building.  This is what the Council for Arts and Humanities in Rock County (CAHRC) faced in February and accomplished when it moved out of the Carnegie Cultural Center. It would not have happened without a lot of help in both areas. Members of the Rock County Fine Arts Association (RCFAA) and…
  • March 21, 2016
    To the Editor: What a beautiful tribute to the “Princess On Ice,” Erika Egdorf, in the March 17 issue of the Star Herald. Erika is a young woman who showed the world what one person can do if she puts her mind to it! You have the right to be proud of all your medals and trophies. And to think that a doctor gave your mother such an insulting diagnosis at birth. You surely showed him! You are an…
  • March 08, 2016
    To the Editor, We want to recognize the excellent family physicians and their colleagues in Luverne who have graciously and effectively served as teachers for medical students from the University of Minnesota Medical School Duluth campus over the past year. The Rural Medical Scholars Program (RMSP) began in 2010 at the University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth campus and has had over 350…
  • March 08, 2016
    To the Editor: In a couple of months, from May 17 to May 31, the filing period opens for individuals to announce their candidacy for local government positions. I will not be filing again. This is the last year of my term, and after serving on the council for 12 years it’s time for me to step down. Serving on city council has been a very rewarding and gratifying experience. The current mayor and…
  • February 22, 2016
    To the Editor: I’ve been hearing and reading a lot about this “Black Lives Matter” business. This really pains me because what chance does this group really have? Think about it. The best black president we’ve ever had lives in the White House. Hello! Bill Frakes Luverne
  • February 09, 2016
    To the Editor: Back when I was young and full of hope, Mom stayed home and took care of the family, and Dad went off to work or war. Then our enlightened government decided they had to take care of us, cradle to grave. Dad still went to work or war, but Mom had to go to work, and the kids had to go to day care because the increased taxes meant it takes two incomes to make one now. Now, in even…
  • February 09, 2016
    To the Editor: This is a reply to Rick Peterson’s question as to why the red line in hockey is red. The line has two purposes: first, to divide the rink in half; second, as a line to help with a game delay called “icing.” It started as a solid line, but with the invention of black and white TV, the line was broken so it could be distinguished from the other blue lines. In today’s professional…
  • January 18, 2016
    In response to the Jan. 7th editorial titled, “Wipe your feet please!” Get over it. As an employee of two retail businesses here in Luverne, I can confirm that this isn’t the most pleasant part of the job; however I am actively aware I work in customer service. We service the customers, which, yes, means we clean up after them. Not to mention, you can often hear these customers taking the time to…
  • January 18, 2016
    To the Editor: I am glad that someone printed an article (Star Herald editorial Jan. 7) regarding the manure tracked through town recently. Shortly after I read the editorial, I had the displeasure of a sighting, smelling at the post office and it was horrible. I wish the offender was still there while my thoughts were still fresh in my mind so I could share them personally. I never have that…
  • January 11, 2016
    At Southwestern Youth Services we have rolled up miles of red and green paper chain, packed away boxes of colorful ornaments and returned Christmas trees to their assigned spots in the attic. We have also reverted back to the reality of day-to-day living that, in the lives of our students, can often be quite harsh.  However, there is one remaining item that the staff and students still cling to…
  • January 11, 2016
    To the Editor: Some 40 years ago Luverne sponsored a Vietnamese family of 10 children. Although only the oldest daughter, Thinh, spoke English, both she and her father immediately went to work at A.R. Wood. Thinh (now Jackie), who left her husband behind, was pregnant. She had John on Christmas Day, and he just turned 40. We were invited to his birthday celebration in Kansas City on Dec. 19.…
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