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The Northview

  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    November 02, 2021
    For more than a year, Luverne Minnesota Veterans Home staff kept the killer of the elderly, COVID-19, at bay. For more than a year they wore masks and shields. They got vaccinated and washed their hands. And then it came anyway. On Tuesday morning, Nov. 2, the Minnesota Veterans Home COVID-19 information line reported (47 on Sunday)_____ cases among staff and residents. As you and I have noted…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    September 20, 2021
    Our homeschool, 1994-2012, was not without its shortcomings.  We had a school shooting the day a rabid raccoon climbed a tree outside our son’s bedroom during math class.  Blam. We had a stabbing the day one student became so blazing furious with her brother that she plunged the tip of her pencil into his arm. Strife among the staff (Mom), the administration (Dad), and the student body (the…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    June 29, 2021
    For the past four years, teams of Christian kids from the Luverne area have served on a weeklong, in-town mission trip doing the things locally that youth groups often travel hundreds of miles to do in other places. Under the supervision of two or three adults, the teens paint houses, replace siding, build ramps, landscape, pull weeds, move furniture … and even change light bulbs. Yes, change…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    June 01, 2021
    It’s been five years. Five years ago, I completed treatment for anal cancer and was told the cancer was gone. I was also told, in so many words, “If you make it five years, you’ll be considered cancer-free.” (They don’t say “cured” anymore.) So here I am five years later.  I made it. A friend once told me, “A day will come when you don’t even think about cancer.” I’m still waiting. It seems…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    May 18, 2021
    I’ve known people over the years who guard their volunteer time at Redeemed Remnants like it’s a meeting with the Queen.  Now I know why. Redeemed Remnants is the resale/thrift store that generates finances for ATLAS of Rock County. ATLAS offers free Christian counseling and other services to people in need. As chairman of the ATLAS board, I’ve been volunteering at Redeemed Remnants to gain a…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    January 12, 2021
    I raised my kids with “chore charts” so it’s no surprise that my oldest daughter’s oldest daughter is carrying on the tradition. She’s five. Nothing makes her happier than a timeline, a calendar or a chore chart. Her daily duties include the “pick up toys” and “brush teeth” requirements one expects of a five-year-old. She was so excited about her own chore chart that she made one for her three-…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    December 08, 2020
    I've become a hypochondriac. In the past month, I’ve had a headache and wondered, “Do I have Covid-19?” And then, “I wonder if I’ll need a ventilator?” And then, “Who will attend my funeral if the guests are limited to members of only one household?” I’ve had a scratchy throat and wondered, “Is this the end? Of course, I have allergies, I swept a dusty garage floor yesterday, and the air is…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    September 29, 2020
    I have never taken a vacation with my whole family. There is a 20-year age difference between the older three children and our younger sister. Because of the age difference, our parents have never vacationed with all four of their offspring at the same time. Until last week. With my brother and dad on motorcycles and my mom, sisters and me in the chase car, we headed south. We also had a stow-…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    September 08, 2020
    Seventy-some years ago our grandparents would not have thought it was possible. We were at a fundraiser for a community member who’d received a discouraging diagnosis. Standing in the shade, we reflected on who we were and from where we had come. The Norwegian shared stories his mother told of German-occupied Norway. Her childhood memories included hiding in the house listening to the footsteps…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    June 09, 2020
    I was just learning to read when I handed my mom the anniversary card I’d found in a box on her desk. With all the over-dramatic “ohhs and ahhs” one gives a child for doing a good thing, Mom received the card with appreciation and read it silently. Then — she collapsed into a heap of laughter and could not stop laughing. She laughed the kind of laugh one laughs when trying not to laugh. I’m sure…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    March 17, 2020
    The coronavirus isn’t all bad. It might take awhile, but here are 10 good things I think will come after the corona virus is no longer front page news. #1. The United States will end its insane reliance on foreign countries to produce our drugs and medical supplies. #2. Bringing those drug and medical supply factories home to U.S. soil will result in more high quality manufacturing jobs for…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    January 28, 2020
    I’ve spent most of my life trying to avoid exercise and I think I’ve been fairly successful.  The time that so many of you have spent running, walking, biking and hiking, I’ve spent trying to avoid exercise. I may have burned nearly the same number of calories. One of my favorite exercise memories is the time in high school my sister and I were going to “run around the section.” (That’s four…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    December 22, 2019
    From now on, if anyone asks me for the definition of a good sport, I’m going to answer “Betty Mann.” Betty was willing to portray herself in the “Marlene and Darlene Present the Nutcracker” show at the Palace Theatre on Dec. 22 even though the storyline poked fun at nutcrackers and people like Betty who collect them. Betty brought down the house with her line, “It’s beautiful,” while admiring the…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    July 01, 2019
    July 4, 2019 As a teenager growing up in Luverne I noticed The Fourth of July divided people into two groups: those who had “a lake place” and those who did not.  I was among those who did not. As a small child growing up on a farm southwest of Luverne, a Fourth of July highlight might be my going outside to pet one of five or ten kittens. As an older child, the day might be spent waiting for the…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    May 07, 2019
    When consulted about removing bats from one of our rental properties in Luverne, the exterminator from Sioux Falls said, “Yeah. Wow. Luverne is freaking filled with bats.” I already knew that. My husband serves on the Blue Mound Area Theatre Board. The Board spent five figures to remove bats from the historic Palace Theatre. We rent a building on Main Street for our photography business. Once, my…
  • By Brenda Winter, Columnist
    July 17, 2018
    Standing in my son’s back yard pushing my granddaughter on her swing, she instructs me, “Higher Grammy! Higher!” I’m facing north, staring at the former Sunrise Motel at the west end of Main Street between RCO and the old Ripley gas station. The motel is being remodeled by John and Vinnie. It’s one of those “top-secret, right out in the open” sorts of operations. They are doing something, but no…
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