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betty mann

  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    October 09, 2017
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on October 16, 1931, and is the last in a series about Luverne's Rock River bridge. Senator Schall, after a brief statement concerning good roads, gave a political speech lasting an hour and a half. The following is the ending of his speech: Rock river bridge was built by the Widell Construction Co., of Mankato, under the personal direction of…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    October 02, 2017
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on October 16, 1931, and is the third in a series about Luverne's Rock River bridge. Senator Schall, after a bried statement concerning good roads, gave a political speech lasting an hour and a half. The following is the second part of this speech. As originally surveyed by the highway engineers, a strip of approximately one-eighth of an acre…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    September 19, 2017
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on October 16, 1931, and is the first in a series about Luverne's Rock River bridge.   NEW BRIDGE AND PAVING DEDICATED YESTERDAY   Senator Schall and Charles Forbes, “Granddad” of Highway System, Participate in Program.   ROAD IMPROVEMENTS BIG ASSET TO LUVERNE   Rock River Bridge Among the Best in Minnesota; Main Street Approach is More…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    September 12, 2017
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on November 12, 1926:   MANY FARM OWNERS ARE OPPOSED TO RE-ROUTING NO. 9   Divided Fields With Resultant Inconveniences Are Most General Grounds for Complaint.   The re-routing of trunk highway No. 9, so that it will run along the north side of the Omaha right-of-way from the west edge of this city, to the South Dakota state line, instead of over…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    September 05, 2017
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on November 5, 1926:   SCHOOL BUILDING IS FORMALLY DEDICATED   Large Throng Attends Exercises and Inspects Luverne’s New High School Friday Evening.   DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS ARE WARMLY PRAISED   Splendid Value and many Merits of New Structure Are Outlined by Different Speakers.   About seven hundred and fifty or eight hundred patrons and taxpayers…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    August 29, 2017
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on October 15, 1926:   Minnesota’s highway department the first of this week completed the task of oiling and resurfacing with gravel the two-mile stretch of trunk highway No. 6, between the Kniss avenue paving and state road No. 8 north of this city. Oil was heated and put on under pressure by an especially designed machine, and the oil was…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    August 22, 2017
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on October 8, 1926:   CROW HUNTERS FAIL TO BAG MANY BIRDS   Total of Only 103 Crows Killed in First Crow Hunt Staged by Local Izaak Walton League   LOSING TEAM TO GIVE WINNING TEAM A FEED   Second Hunt will be Staged Next Month, When it is Hoped More Favorable Weather Will Prevail.   A total of one hundred three crows were killed in the three-day…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    August 14, 2017
    This is the fifth and last in a series about a 1926 Pioneer Girls reunion that appeared in the Rock County Herald on July 9, 1926. At the meeting, Effie Grout-Lindsey pays tribute to the mothers and wives of early day settlers.   LUVERNE PIONEER GIRLS HOLD ANNUAL RE-UNION   Effie Grout-Lindsey Pays Tribute to the Mothers and Wives of Early Day Settlers.   … And such was life in those far away…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    April 17, 2017
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on Jan. 29, 1926:   COUNTY SKI TOURNAMENT SCHEDULED FOR FEB. 12TH   Between Thirty and Forty coasters to Take Active Part in Highly Thrilling Sport   Plans now being made provide for a Rock county Ski tournament to be held at the Norton hill east of Luverne, on Friday, February 12th. It is expected that this will be one of the biggest out-of-door…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    November 07, 2016
    This is to continue my article from last week:   ORGANIZATION OF ROCK COUNTY   On the 17th day of October, 1870, this board held its first meeting at the house of H. A. Gregory. Daniel Wilmott was chosen chairman, and P. J. Kniss, clerk pro tem. The first work of the board was to call an election to be held in November, 1870. They divided the county into three election precincts or commissioners…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    October 11, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on December 4, 1896:   STATISTICS FOR THE YEAR 1896   The Total Acreage of Various Farm Products, the Number of Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs, and Other Facts of Interest—Some Comparisons With the Statistics for 1895   The agricultural statement of Rock county for the year 1896, prepared by the county auditor from the statistics gathered by the…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    October 03, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on February 13, 1925:   M. W. CHUNN TAKES ISSUE WITH REPRESENTATIVE JACOBSON   Contends That Measure Prohibiting Sunday Movies, Sponsored by Him, is “Foolish and Vicious.”   To the Editor of Rock County Herald: Many of the friends of Representative J. N. Jacobson will be disappointed in him when they learn that he is one of the sponsors of a bill…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    September 26, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on November 27, 1896:   Hills Creamery The Hills creamery made a very satisfactory record during the month of October. The Crescent says: “The board of directors of the Hills Creamery association met Monday of last week. After allowing bills for expenses during the month of October, they found they could allow the patrons 16 cents net for their…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    September 12, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on January 9, 1925.   HAWES & SON WILL CONDUCT BIG REORGANIZATION SALE   Ten-Day Bargain Sale to Start Next Wednesday. Preparatory to Re-arrangement of Departments.   In preparation for the reorganization of Hawes & Son’s department store, necessitated by the closing out of the shoe and clothing departments and the death of Chas. O. Hawes,…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    September 05, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on January 9, 1925.   CONSOLIDATION OF HARDWICK BANKS FOUND BENEFICIAL   Results Attained Following Merge Held to Justify Elimination of Double Overhead Expense.   In proof of the assertion that nothing is to be gained commercially or economically by too many institutions of a similar nature in a restricted field of endeavor, officers of the…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    August 29, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on December 26, 1924:   SHUT-DOWN AT POWER PLANT TODAY AND TONIGHT   No Electric Lights Or Power Will be Furnished for 24 Hours – Water and heat as Usual   Luverne will be without electric lights and power all of today, all of tonight and a part of tomorrow, according to announcement made Wednesday by Superintendent George DeLate. The shut-down is…
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