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betty mann

  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    August 23, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on December 19, 1924:   C.E. OLDER, PIONEER, PAYS TRIBUTE TO C.O. HAWES   Recalls That He Was the Last of Several Young Men Who Went to His School in 1871-72.   “It is with profound regret and sorrow that I hear of the death of C. O. Hawes, who had been a personal friend for more than half a century.” C. E Older, formerly of Luverne and a pioneer…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    August 16, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on July 18, 1924:   ROCK COUNTY AS IT WAS FIFTY YEARS AGO   The ill-fated year 1873 began with the most violent storm in the history of the state from the time of the first settlement to the present date. For three days beginning January 7th, the blizzard raged, extending over the whole northwest. Seventy human lives were lost in the storm in…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    June 27, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on October 17, 1924:   MANY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF PUBLIC CHEST CLINIC   Total of Thirty-Nine Persons Undergo Examination by Drs. Slater and Britt   A total of thirty-nine people took advantage of the opportunity for examination at the chest clinic held Wednesday at the Armory under the direction of Drs. Slater and Britt, of the Southwestern Minnesota…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    June 14, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on September 12, 1924:   LUVERNE PLANS FOR DEFENSE TEST DAY   Local Committee Completes Arrangements for Fitting Observance of Day This Afternoon   CO. H TO BE RECRUITED TO FULL WAR STRENGTH   Parade at 3 0’Clock will be Followed by Speech, Music and Exhibition Drill at Fair Grounds   Today is Defense Day, and it will be observed in Luverne this…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    May 31, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on August 22, 1924:   (Continued from last week)   OLE-TIMER RECALLS THE DAYS OF THE EARLY ’70s   Collin Estey had the first pre-emption along the Rock river valley in Rock  county. Mrs. Deborah Estey, her six sons, Amos, Collin, Orville, Al and Byron and two daughters.  Ruth Estey Ferguson and Hulda, came here from time to time during the years…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    May 16, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on August 12, 1924:   BUILDING FOR HEALTH EXHIBIT REST ROOM AT COUNTY FAIR   Three Organizations Unite for Construction of Exhibit Building and Rest Room at Fair Grounds Under arrangements completed this week, the Rock County Chapter of American Red Cross, the Rock County Public Health association and the Rock County Agricultural society will…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    May 02, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on July 11, 1924:   HARDWICK’S TWO BANKING INSTITUTIONS CONSOLIDATE   Farmers State Bank Takes Over Business of Security State Bank and Stockholders Pool Interests   The consolidation of Hardwick’s two banking institutions, which had been under consideration for sometime, was fully agreed upon at a joint meeting of the stockholders held Saturday…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    April 19, 2016
    (The following is the last half of the article from last week’s “Bits by Betty.”)   The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on May 23, 1924:   BANDITS ROB ASHCREEK STATE BANK   Secure $700.00 in Currency and Few Liberty Bonds in Daring Day-Light Hold Up   GEO. M. LaDUE FORCED INTO BANK’S VAULT   Robbers Consist of Four Men Who Come and Disappear in New Buick Automobile Shortly before two…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    April 11, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on May 23, 1924:   BANDITS ROB ASHCREEK STATE BANK   Secure $700.00 in Currency and Few Liberty Bonds in Daring Day-Light Hold Up   GEO. M. LaDUE FORCED INTO BANK’S VAULT   Robbers Consist of Four Men Who Come and Disappear in New Buick Automobile About $700 in currency and several Liberty bonds were obtained in a daring day-light robbery of the…
  • March 28, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on April 18, 1924:   DRIVE FOR SALVATION ARMY FUND UNDERWAY   Annual Campaign to Raise funds for Support of Mercy Workers Started Wednesday   LOCAL COMMITTEE OF FOUR PLACED IN CHARGE   Receipts to Go Into General Fund of Organization to Aid the Homeless and Unfortunate The annual Salvation Army drive in this county commenced Wednesday, and is under…
  • March 21, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on March 28, 1924:   RELIEF FOR STARVING CHILDREN OF GERMANY   People of Rock county Asked To Help In Saving Two Million Kiddies Facing Starvation   COUNTY-WIDE DRIVE FOR FUNDS SOON TO BE MADE  Mayor Leach Appoints committee, With A. O. Moreaux as Chairman to Conduct Mercy Work   A drive to raise a fund of $1,000 to aid in the relief of starving…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    March 14, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on January 18, 1924:   REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS SHOW BIG DECREASE   Only Two Hundred Eighty-Three Conveyances Filed During Year With Sixty-Nine for Luverne   Two hundred eighty three transfers of real estate were made in this county during the year 1923, according to the records of County Auditor Olaf Skyberg. This is similar to the records of a year…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    March 08, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on January 18, 1924:   FARMERS TO BE PROVIDED WITH HITCHING PLACES   Home Automotive Co. Tenders Use of Vacant Lots for This Purpose to Luverne Commercial Club   Accepting the offer of the Home Automotive Co., to donate the use of the vacant lots at the corner of Lincoln and McKenzie streets as a hitching place for the teams of farmers, the Luverne…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    February 29, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on March 28, 1924:   ROCK COUNTY ASSESSORS TO MEET NEXT FRIDAY   Representative of State Tax Commission to be Present and fully Explain Assessment Requirements   The regular annual meeting of the assessors of Rock county for the purpose of receiving instructions and advice before taking up their duties for the new year, will be held next Friday,…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    February 09, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on November 23, 1923:   COUNTY TEACHERS INSTITUTE TO OPEN NEXT MONDAY   Three Days’ Session to be Held Under the Supervision of County Supt. Headley   All teachers of the rural school districts of the county, it is expected, will be in attendance at the annual institute for teachers which will be held in the city on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    February 02, 2016
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on December 28, 1923:   SHORTAGE OF GOOD HOME GROWN SEED IS INDICATED   County Agent Roske Seeks to Locate Good Local Grown Seed for Distribution In County   In consideration of the great shortage this year of good, clean, home-grown seed of many varieties of farm grains, County Agent M. P. Roske is endeavoring to locate and get a distribution, in…
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