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mavis fodness

  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    July 11, 2016
    “Back to the Future” is one of those movies I have watched again, again and again. Despite its futuristic title, it’s a movie that brings me back to the past. I was a college sophomore when the film debuted in theaters July 1985. I didn’t see the movie during its first release. I purchased the VHS years later for my first viewing. At the time of the movie’s release, my fellow college students…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    May 16, 2016
    May 23 will be a joyous day even though it lands on a Monday this year. It will be the day after my youngest child graduates from high school. It will also be the day after my youngest daughter is married. How these two events came to be scheduled on the same day can be blamed (in part) on the story my husband, Bryan, and I have told our children countless times. We selected our own marriage date…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    April 25, 2016
    Story development takes on different forms in the world of journalism. There are timeless stories — those that can be published anytime and entertain readers about a subject. Then there are the fast-breaking stories. These are full of facts about an event or incident. These run in the upcoming publication and inform readers of the latest news. And then there are the stories completed as a record…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    March 21, 2016
    There’s one sure sign that spring has arrived at my house. A bucket may not be as exciting as watching geese fly north or the winter wind having a little less bite. In my house the large container on the kitchen counter signifies spring is here. Along with the bucket, a rubber nipple and a two-quart plastic bottle often join the clutter. Their appearance means a newborn farm animal needs human…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    February 09, 2016
    Having the opportunity to meet Walter Mondale recently brought back memories of 1984 and my first opportunity to vote in a presidential election. I was 18 years old and a college freshman. Mondale was the Democratic presidential nominee and was the first to choose a woman as his vice presidential candidate. When I shook hands with the 89-year-old at the Minnesota Newspaper Association Convention…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    January 18, 2016
    My last consumption of a can of pop was 687 days ago. That’s one year, 10 months, 16 days — or since March 5, 2014. A month prior to that day I had my first (and hopefully last) experience with a kidney stone. Doctors cited pop as the culprit for the mineral buildup and gave me the advice to give up drinking the super sugary stuff or possibly suffer through another round of excruciating pain. (…
  • By Mavis Fodness
    December 28, 2015
    “This Old House,” “Fixer Upper” and “Property Brothers” are among my favorite home improvement shows. It’s exciting to watch the resurrection of a once-loved home into a structure that is cared for again. Recently I have become a big fan of cooking shows and one in particular — so much so that I am contemplating a road trip. Chef & The Farmer is the name of a restaurant located in Kinston,…
  • By mavis fodness, reporter
    October 26, 2015
      Freshly painted barn brings dreams of very own quilt design Sac County, Iowa, has more barn quilts than any other place in the country ­ or so its website indicates. Visitors can even run a self-guided tour to all 58 sites by printing the simple map off the Internet. For the past couple of years, my self-guided tour of the large, hand-painted designs on the front or sides of barns has consisted…
  • By mavis fodness, reporter
    September 28, 2015
      The saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” was never more poignant in describing my experience at this year’s state 4-H horse show. Unbeknownst to me, a Clay County mother and daughter were dealing with a nightmare the day after the Rock County delegation pulled onto the state fairgrounds Sept. 17. The Brown family’s horse named Brick was having trouble moving. No amount of coaxing from…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    September 14, 2015
      The decision on what to wear each day should be an easy task. But for me the routine likens itself to deciding what to eat for supper each night by looking in the fridge. So each morning I continually look in the closet for what looks good to wear. Having too many choices is playing a huge part in the daily get-dressed-and-go-to-work dilemma. Maybe getting rid of some of the clutter will do the…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    August 24, 2015
      Laura Richters of Luverne is a scrapbooking marvel. Last month at the Rock County Fair, Laura was sitting comfortably in a folding chair with a computer set up in her lap. She was archiving yet another family event. “This is my passion,” she told me several months ago. It’s a passion she started two decades ago when her oldest child, Brittney, was 2. “Back then, I did what everyone else did — I…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    July 20, 2015
          By Mavis Fodness Someone likens the feeling of turning 50 to that of a youth mastering riding a bike without training wheels. Remember the feeling of freedom and independence? That feeling has been building inside me for the past half century. It becomes official on Saturday. I will be 50. But what does that mean exactly? Turning 50 is not a new phenomenon. People have turned 50 before and…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    June 29, 2015
      One benefit of being a reporter is the role of quiet observer in a community — following events but not interfering with the news as it unfolds. A story assignment in Jasper two years ago is one such event. The experiences of one family have left a lasting impression, and I continue to follow their story. Tayden Grohs was 4 years old when we first met. He was throwing a football around with his…
  • By Mavis Fodness
    May 18, 2015
      An activity traditionally used to keep children busy is making its way into adult hands and eventually into my own hands in the not too distant future. Call me strange, but I have loved poking through the various pens, pencils and crayons in the office supply aisles. The purchase of new markers or colored pencils leaves me with an eager feeling of starting a new art project. In the past few…
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