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  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    February 09, 2021
    How well do you remember those U.S. history lessons? If you’re like me, I don’t remember those intricate details necessary to receive my U.S. citizenship. Luckily I don’t have to pass the test now in effect for those who are seeking citizenship. Out of curiosity I tried to answer the questions the New York Times used in its recent story about the new citizenry test questions.  Below are 10…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    December 21, 2020
    Instead of making a New Year’s resolution for 2020, I assembled a “vision” board instead. It proved to be a much better way to affect positive change than resolutions, which never lasted a month, much less an entire year. Ideally, pictures from magazines are used to “visually” represent an activity or feeling one wants to focus on, but I made a list. Among the items I wrote on my board was to…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    November 23, 2020
    This summer I celebrated my 55th birthday. That’s right the 5-5 —the posted speed limit on most county highways. It is also the minimum age for participating in the eight-hour defensive driving class through the Minnesota Safety Council and Luverne Community Education.  Any driver 55 and older can take the initial class that allows certificate holders to receive an auto insurance discount. I…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    November 03, 2020
    Circumstances are murky as to how Orville Iveland’s military dog tag ended up in the farm grove of Russell and Doris Wenzel in Springwater Township. What’s clear is that the dog tag is now safely in the Iveland family’s procession. An Oct. 22 Star Herald story with the Wenzels about an unusual rock unearthed during a farm tile project led Russell to showing me a dull-colored metal dog tag he…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    October 06, 2020
    This week is National 4-H Week. In the early weeks of the new 4-H year, my social media feed was sprinkled with memories of my kids’ 4-H state livestock shows. 4-H is where we learned about sheep, hogs, rabbits, leadership, horses and cattle. It’s a program where I still participate as an adult adviser and have developed lifelong friendships as a result. For the past six years, as part of my job…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    September 01, 2020
    As reporters, we routinely convey stories on a wide variety of topics. This week I’ve chosen to tell a high school classmate’s story. However, this one doesn’t have a happy ending, but maybe you can help write a positive chapter in the story. Doctors told Curt Thorson on Aug. 10 that the sharp abdominal pain he has suddenly begun to experience was the Stage IV pancreatic cancer spreading through…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    August 11, 2020
    While removing the leaf from the kitchen table one day, my thoughts landed on how a simple piece of furniture reflects the changes in our empty nest household. In our 30-plus years of marriage, Bryan and I always had a kitchen table and a dining table in each of the half dozen or so homes we’ve lived in during our time together. The duo tables are the result of an auctioneer husband who couldn’t…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    June 16, 2020
    Since the first cases of the coronavirus hit Minnesota in March, one of my colleagues went missing. Gone. Poof. Vanished. In the past three months only a handful of sightings of former sports editor John Rittenhouse have been passed on to the newsroom, but none of these by me, this former colleague. Three months ago, as the newspaper was scrambling to understand the new health rules, John quietly…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    May 19, 2020
    My last in-person visit with my granddaughter, Jayden, was March 6. Almost 60 days later, on the bright, sunny Sunday morning of May 3, the grandmother in me knew it was time to see Jayden face to face. Unbeknownst to me, when my daughter Courtney told Jayden that MeeMaw Mavis was coming to Iowa for a visit, her response was “MeeMaw Mavis is not dead?” It’s been a long two months for my 2-year-…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    April 21, 2020
    Dear Logan, We’re sorry we won’t be able to share your first birthday with you this year. Again this MeeMaw will be late with her hugs and kisses of best wishes. It appears April 11 is just not a good date for us to get together. You don’t remember last year, but I was late meeting you in Iowa due to a blizzard here in Minnesota. We lost electricity and Papa Bryan had to hook up a generator to…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    March 03, 2020
    Leap Day rolls around every four years, and I was excited about this year’s Feb. 29. Similar to daylight saving time, when we push our clocks back an hour in the fall, I see the 2020 Leap Day as a 24-hour bonus because it occurred on a weekend. What would I do with a whole extra day? Not only that, but a day where temperatures were predicted to reach 50 degrees, an outdoor warmth we hadn’t…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    February 04, 2020
    More than a year ago local readers were introduced to Ryan and Martha Tofteland. The young couple and their children, Finn and Liv, were visiting Ryan’s parents, Steve and Julie Tofteland, and his childhood home in rural Luverne for Thanksgiving 2018. It was a bittersweet visit for the young couple. Two years prior, in August 2016, Ryan was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou…
  • January 07, 2020
    Growing up, I often heard the phrase “Keeping up with the Joneses.” Now, I didn’t have any neighbors named Jones, but I knew the saying referred to buying something just because someone else already had the same item. By owning the item, you were at the same high social level, and those who didn’t have said item were somehow at a lower socio-economic scale. Decades later the “Keeping up with the…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    December 03, 2019
    Our new puppy, Lucy, a lab-Brittany spaniel mix, often chases her own tail. The sight is comical, as she spins and snaps her teeth at her long brown tail. She spins in both directions, quite fast, until she catches her tail in her mouth and, after a brief pause, continues to spin in circles. I often feel I’m spinning in circles, not seeming to accomplish much of anything when it comes to dealing…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    July 09, 2019
    Thousands of students — including me — have received diplomas from Luverne High School since it was built in 1956. The LHS Class of 1983 celebrates its “35th plus one” class reunion this weekend. The reunion comes on the heels of the June 20 groundbreaking ceremony that honored the changes coming to the 63-year-old facility. For days leading up to the groundbreaking, I watched two excavators…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    June 04, 2019
    A “Tale of Two Cats” unfolded recently on social media involving mystery, mistaken identity and, best of all, a happy ending. The tale opens May 17 with Luverne’s Martha Nowatzki posting that her 18-year-old cat named Shamus “has gone on a walkabout” and had been gone for several days. It’s not unusual for the black cat with a cloudy left eye to cross people’s paths in the area of Freeman Avenue…
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