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Rock County Commissioners meet April 18

Rock County Commissioners meet April 18 
Herreid Board Room          9:00 A.M.
Rock County Courthouse April 18, 2023
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Burger with Commissioners Overgaard, Williamson, and Reisch present; Commissioner Thompson was absent. Also in attendance were County Administrator Kyle Oldre, County Attorney Jeff Haubrich, Deputy Administrator Susan Skattum, Star-Herald Reporter Mavis Fodness, City of Luverne Representatives Mayor Pat Baustian, City Administrator
Jill Wolf, Building Official Chad McClure and Councilman Scott Viessman.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance.
Motion by Reisch, seconded by Burger, to approve the County Board agenda
of April 18, 2023, declared carried on a voice vote.
Motion by Overgaard, seconded by Reisch, to approve the County Board minutes
of April 04, 2023, declared carried on a voice vote.
Motion by Reisch, seconded by Overgaard, to approve the consent agenda,
declared carried on a voice vote.
1. Eventide-Nex Log 740 Subscription Renewal - $10,500
Eric Hartman, Land Management Office Director, DNR Representatives Jeff Weiss and Gary Kurth and FEMA Representative Munib Ahmad were all present via Zoom to discuss the status of the updated maps of the Rock County floodplains. The floodplain mapping project has been stalled as Rock County has indicated we would not accept the inaccurate map documents. Weiss stated that after additional discussion and investigation, FEMA has determined that the preliminary maps for Rock County will not be finalized until updated modeling and mapping for Poplar Creek and the Rock River are complete. He further stated that FEMA has committed to fund the work along with Minnesota DNR committing to complete the project. Project timelines are still to be determined as additional detail is needed to define the scope of work. City of Luverne Representative along with the Rock County Board thanked Mr. Weiss for the update and his efforts in correcting the 
issues missing from the preliminary maps and bringing the maps up to date.
Hartman requested to approve (5) Conditional Use Permits (CUP); he reported
that all permits had a public hearing and there was no public comment.
Motion by Reisch, seconded by Overgaard, to approve a CUP for Duininck Inc.
to place a temporary hot mix asphalt plant in a gravel pit owned by Ron Fick,
located in the SE 1/4 of Section 15 of Luverne township as per the conditions
identified on the permit, declared carried on a voice vote. 
Motion by Williamson, seconded by Overgaard, to approve a CUP for
Duininck Inc. for rock quarry mining, stockpiling, washing and processing located
in Section 14 and 11 of Denver Township, as per the conditions identified on
the permit, declared carried on a voice vote.
Motion by Burger, seconded by Overgaard, to approve a CUP for Duininck Inc. for the placement of a temporary asphalt plant located in Section 14 and 11 of Denver Townhship, as per the conditions identified on the permit, declared carried on a voice vote.
Motion by Overgaard, seconded by Reisch, to approve a CUP for Duininck Inc., for aggregate mining, stockpiling, washing, and processing, and stockpiling and recycling of concrete and asphalt, located in the SW 1/4 of
Section 21 of Battle Plain Township, declared carried on a voice vote.
Motion by Overgaard, seconded by Reisch, to approve a CUP for Duininck Inc. for the placement of a temporary asphalt plant located in the SW 1/4 of Section 21 Battle Plain township, as per the conditions identified on the permit, declared carried on a voice vote.
Mark Sehr, Engineer, the bid results for SAP 067-030-016,
the Bituminous Crack Saw/Seal Project:
MP Asphalt Maintenance $161,381.85
Northwest Asphalt & Maintenance $227,434.59
Motion by Reisch, seconded by Overgaard, to accept the low compliant bid of $161,381.85 from MP Asphalt Maintenance, declared carried on a voice vote.
Sehr presented the bid results for SAP 067-401-026, 2023,
Pavement Marking project:
Sir Lines-A-Lot $126,973.55
Motion by Reisch, seconded by Williamson, to accept the bid of $161,381.85
from Sir Lines-A-Lot, declared carried on a voice vote.
The County Board was in receipt of the claims and per diems of $1,200.00; after review, motion by Overgaard, seconded by Reisch, to approve, declared carried on a voice vote. A complete listing of the claims is available upon request at the Auditor/Treasurer's office. 
APRIL 18, 2023 CLAIMS OVER $2,000
ASHBY/STEVE $2,884.20 
BECK & HOFFER CONSTRUCTION           26,651.30 
BREMIK MATERIALS, INC                 2,210.51 
CHS INC           31,392.14 
CLEARGOV INC                             12,120.00 
COOPERATIVE ENERGY CO                 2,708.00 
COUNTIES PROVIDING TECHNOLOGY                 6,925.00 
FLEET SERVICES DIVISION-ADMIN FMR                 7,158.28 
GRAHAM TIRE-WORTHINGTON                 2,091.04 
KETTERLING SERVICES INC           10,682.77 
KIMBALL MIDWEST               3,209.60 
LUVERNE/CITY OF                 7,694.34 
LYON COUNTY LANDFILL           15,753.99 
POWERPLAN                 2,912.89 
ROCK COUNTY OPPORTUNITIES               2,379.20 
SANITATION PRODUCTS               4,630.83 
STAPLES ENTERPRISES INC             4,926.25 
STEPP MFG.               8,207.50 
TOLLEFSON PUBLISHING               5,762.00 
TRANSOURCE TRUCK & EQUIPMENT INC               4,121.49 
65 PAYMENTS LESS THAN $2,000           27,416.96 
     TOTAL               $246,079.04 
The County Board was in receipt of the Fund Balance report; motion by Overgaard, seconded by Williamson, to approve, declared carried on a voice vote.
Motion by Reisch, seconded by Burger, to approve the replacement of
a lost warrant #104155 for the amount of $435.00 payable to Northland
Securities, Inc., declared carried on a voice vote.
The County Board was in receipt of a tax abatement request on parcel 20-0377-000 for $84.00 due to a classification error. On a recommendation of the LRO Director and Auditor/Treasurer, motion by Reisch, seconded by Williamson, to approve, declared carried on a voice vote.
The County Board was in receipt of a membership request of $1,000.00
from the Highway 23 Coalition; motion by Reisch, seconded by Williamson,
to deny the request, declared carried on a voice vote.
The County Board was in receipt of a membership request from the National Center of Public Lands Counties, established by NACo and Western Interstate Region (WIR). The request identifies utilizing $1,000 of each county’s Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund (LATCF) to demonstrate how prosperous public lands counties create a prosperous America. Motion by Overgaard, seconded by Williamson, to deny the request, declared carried on a voice vote.
The Administrator discussed a number of legislative updates to include Omnibus Transportation Finance Bills, Paid Family Leave and the legalization of Cannabis. 
Commissioner Overgaard stated that he was invited to testify (via Zoom)
regarding SF3215, Transportation Truck Highway 75 deterioration.  
The County Board was in receipt of correspondence stating that Elk Creek Solar is moving forward with the project of a 80mega watt solar project and is expanding the project to a 160 mega watt power generation.  Elk Creek will seek approval from the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) for the expansion and anticipate construction to begin in 2024 with the completion by the end of 2025.
The County Board was in receipt of a first quarter budget review;
presented as information only.
The County Board was in receipt of a Rock Strong/EDA event hosted
by Sioux Valley Energy on April 27, 2023, at 6:00 P.M. at the Generations location.
Guest speakers include, Robin Weis, Deputy Director of the Southwest Rural
Development Commission and George Eilertson, Managing Director Public
Finance Department of Northland Securities.
The Administrator stated that other activities of the office include:  Sergeant interviews, job announcement process for vacancy at the Sheriff’s Office, the Rock County EDA meeting went well and was well attended; also fielded a request from Commissioner Overgaard to coordinate a joint meeting with the City of Luverne Council and coordinate a Meals on Wheels delivery date for the County Board.
Commissioner Reisch stated that he attended the following meetings/events:
Economic Development Authority. 
Commissioner Williamson stated that he attended the following meetings/events: Springwater Township, One Water One Plan and Beaver Creek Township.
Commissioner Overgaard stated that he attended the following meetings/
events:  Mound, Magnolia, Kanaranzi townships, Magnolia and Kenneth City Councils,
Fair Board, Land Use, Economic Development Authority, Senate testimony and
Planning & Zoning.
Commissioner Burger stated that he attended the following meetings/events:  Clinton and Luverne Townships, and Supporting Hands Nurse Family Partnership.
Commissioner Thompson stated that she attended the following meetings/
events: none due to absence.
With no further business to come before the County Board, the meeting was declared adjourned by order of the Chair.

Rock County Commissioners meet April 4

Rock County Commissioners meet April 4
Herreid Board Room          9:00 A.M.
Rock County Courthouse April 4, 2023
The meeting was called to order by Chair Thompson with Commissioners
Overgaard, Williamson, Burger and Reisch present. Also in attendance were
County Attorney Jeff Haubrich and Mavis Fodness.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance.
Motion by Reisch, seconded by Overgaard, to approve the April 04, 2023,
County Board agenda, declared carried on a voice vote.
Motion by Overgaard, seconded by Reisch, to approve the County Board
minutes of March 21, 2023, declared carried on a voice vote.
Motion by Williamson, seconded by Burger, to approve the consent agenda,
declared carried on a voice vote.
1. Judicial Ditch Advisory Appointment – Terry Hoogland
Beth Wilms, Southwest Health & Human Services Director and Lisa DeBoer, SWHHS Director of Business Management together presented the results of the most recent audit along with the current fund balances. Currently the organization has a 4-month reserve and received a clean audit. Wilms stated that the organization currently has (9) open positions. Wilms also went on to state that mental health services are currently being provided through Southwest Mental Health and that they will continue to review that delivery model.  
The County Board was also in receipt of the SWHHS Annual report
for 2021, the report is available for public review as well.
Wilms stated that staff is preparing for the move from the current
building location to the temporary location (across the street/TCI building),
due to HVAC repairs that are scheduled to begin April 10.
Wilms requested that the County Board adopt Resolution No. 06-23, an amended Minnesota Opioids State-Subdivision Memorandum of Agreement, which increases the participation in the number of opioid settlement; motion by Burger, seconded by Thompson, to approve Resolution No. 06-23, declared carried on a voice vote.
Doug Bos, Assistant Land Management Office Director and Brandon Bosch, Land Management Engineering Technician presented the 2022 Feedlot Report stating that Rock County has 551 feedlots of which 46 were inspected in 2022 to maintain compliance with the state feedlot delegation agreement.  Activity in 2022 included (4) new hog barns, (1) new cattle barn and (2) cattle barn expansions. Motion by Williamson, seconded by Overgaard, to approve the 2022 MPCA Feedlot Annual Report, declared carried on a voice vote.
While the Bos and Bosch were present, Commissioner Reisch provided an
update on his recent trip to Denmark to review the Natures Energy business
operation, he informed the County Board of his observations regarding
processes as well as their research activities.
Andy Haakenson, Assistant Highway Engineer, presented the bid results for SAP 067-559-185 and SAP 067-599-185, (2) Township Bridge replacements:
Henning Construction, Inc.  $509,831.00
Midwest Contracting, LLC    $517,981.00
A&C Excavating LLC               $519,916.00
Motion by Overgaard, seconded by Reisch, to approve the bid from Henning
Construction for $509,831.00, declared carried on a voice vote.
Haakenson requested authorization to bid let for C.P. 067-501-026,
the 2023 Paint Striping project; motion by Reisch, seconded by Overgaard,
declared carried on a voice vote.
Haakenson provided an update regarding the spring road conditions and the work the county is doing to maintain roads against a very challenging spring.
Ashley Kurtz, Auditor/Treasurer, presented the claims for approval; motion by Burger, seconded Overgaard, to approve, declared carried on a voice vote. A complete listing of the claims is available upon request at the Auditor/Treasurer's office. 
APRIL 4, 2023 CLAIMS OVER $2,000
A & B BUSINESS INC $2,849.60 
BUTLER MACHINERY CO               2,586.03 
CENTERPOINT ENERGY               3,277.98 
EQUIPMENT BLADES INC               3,670.56 
FIFTH ASSET INC DBA DEBTBOOK               6,500.00 
HOWES OIL CO               2,959.55 
KIMBALL MIDWEST               3,244.45 
MN COUNTIES COMPUTER COOP               6,750.00 
ROCK COUNTY AUDITOR-TREASURER               3,228.12 
SEACHANGE               7,276.99 
THOMAS SCIENTIFIC               3,254.37 
WAUSAU EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC               5,306.67 
ZIEGLER INC               3,388.08 
62 PAYMENTS LESS THAN $2,000           24,328.81 
     TOTAL                 $83,481.21 
The County Board was in receipt of the Fund Balance report; motion by Williamson,
seconded by Burger, to approve, declared carried on a voice vote.
The County Board, Administrator and Auditor/Treasurer discussed the past meeting with city and township officials regarding elections and the use of mail-in ballots.  Following the discussion, the Chair ordered that the mail-in ballot discussion be placed on the May 02, 2023, County Board agenda for possible action.
The County Board was in receipt of the schedule for the Board of Appeal and
Equalization; the County Board of Appeal and Equalization is scheduled for June 20,
2023, at 6:30 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. at the Herreid Board meeting room at
the Rock County Courthouse.
The County Board was informed that Senator Smith is in Luverne on April 4th touring the City of Luverne proposed Day Care Center; the County Board was invited to attend, however it conflicted with the County Board meeting.
The County Board was informed of Sioux Valley Energy Economic Development meeting scheduled for April 27th at 6:00 P.M. at Generations, the emphasis for the meeting will be on grant writing and bonding.
The Administrator presented a number legislative updates that could
potentially impact Rock County; no action was taken.
The Administrator presented a brief update regarding activities
of the Administrator’s office; no action was taken.
Commissioner Reisch stated that he attended the following
meetings/events: Nature Energy tour. 
Commissioner Williamson stated that he attended the following meetings/events: Elections/Mail-Ballot process and Prairie Rose Community Fund.
Commissioner Overgaard stated that he attended the following meetings/events: Road site visit in Magnolia Township, Solid Waste, Rural
Energy, Elections/Mail-In Ballot process, and Planning & Zoning.
Commissioner Burger stated that he attended the following
meetings/events: Elections/Mail-In Ballot process.
Commissioner Thompson stated that she attended the following
meetings/events: Elections/Mail-In Ballot process.
With no further business to come before the County Board, the meeting
was declared adjourned by order of the Chair.

Luverne School District seeks quotes for vehicle fuels

Luverne School District seeks quotes for vehicle fuels
Notice is hereby given that quotes for vehicle fuels will be received until 11:00 a.m. on Friday, July 14, 2023, at the Office of the Superintendent, Luverne High School, Luverne, Minnesota.
Detailed specifications and information are available at the Office of the Superintendent of Schools.
The School Board reserves the right to reject any and all quotes and bids and to waive any technicalities.
David Wrigg, Clerk
(06-15, 06-22, 06-29, 07-06)

Fick estate

Fick estate
                                                                         DISTRICT COURT
COUNTY OF ROCK                                                                     PROBATE DIVISION
Estate of                                                                         Court File No. 67-PR-23-118
Donald Fick, a/k/a Donald W. Fick,
        Deceased                  NOTICE AND ORDER OF HEARING ON PETITION
                                        FOR PROBATE OF WILL AND APPPOINTMENT OF
                                        CO-PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES AND NOTICE
                                                  TO CREDITORS (ANCILLARY PROCEEDING) 
It is Ordered and Notice is given that on July 3, 2023, at 8:30 A.M., a hearing will be held in this Court, at the Rock County Courthouse, 204 E. Brown Street, Luverne, Minnesota, via Zoom, for the formal probate of an instrument puporting to be the Will of the Decedent, dated February 1, 2013, and for the appointment of Daniel D. Fick, whose address is 808 N. Blauvelt Avenue, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57103, and Rebecca A. Buske, whose address is PO Box 783, Wyoming, Minnesota 55092, as Ancillary Co-Personal Representatives of the Estate of the Decedent in an UNSUPERVISED administration.
Any objections to the petition must be filed with the Court prior to
or raised at the hearing. If proper and if no objections are filed or raised, the Ancillary Co-Personal Presentatives will be appointed with power to administer the Estate in Minnesota, including the power to collect all assets, pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expsenses, sell real and personal property, and do all necessary acts for the Estate.
Notice is also given that (subject to Minnesota Statutes section 524.3-801) all creditors against the Estate are required to present the claims to the Ancillary Co-Personal Representatives of to the Court Administrator within four months after
the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. 
Date Filed: June 1, 2023 /s/ Terry S. Vajgrt
District Court Judge
Attorney for Petitioner /s/ Natalie Reisch Mark W. Shepherd Court Administrator
Malters, Shepherd & Von Holtum
727 Oxford Street, PO Box 517
Worthington, MN 56187
Attorney License No: 0100146
Telephone: 507-376-4166
FAX: 507-376-6359
Email:                                       (06-15, 06-22)

Housing development planned for southwest Luverne neighborhood

A new 30-unit multifamily housing project is being considered for southwest Luverne. 
The Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership (SWMHP) is exploring the potential of the new development in the Sybesma subdivision. 
The organization is hosting an open house from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 20, at the Trailhead building at 601 E. Main Street to share the proposal and gather feedback from community members. 
Luverne Economic Development Director Holly Sammons said the open house will be a casual, come-and-go style event. 
“The proposed housing development will be presented in static exhibits with no formal presentation,” said Sammons.
“SWMHP staff will be present for questions, comments and conversations related to the development and housing needs in general in Luverne.” 
The housing partnership has been working with the city to conceptualize a housing project similar to the Luverne Family Housing development that was completed on the neighboring property years ago. 
The current proposal includes 30 mixed-income rental townhome units on a 3.4-acre site just to the west of the current similar development. The address is 1101 County Road 4. Access to the site would be via County Road 4 and not through the neighborhoods of Pine Drive or Cherry Drive. 
The proposed two-story townhomes can include two-, three- and four-bedroom units with in-unit laundry and private garages.
According to Sammons, this housing type appeals to multiple demographics including families, young professionals and aging adults looking to downsize. 
“The Luverne Family Housing project has been a very successful development, and there's always a waiting list for those homes,” Sammons said. 
The SWMHP has expressed interest in developing the site as developer, owner and operator of the project. 
According to Sammons, the exact unit rents for the proposed development are yet to be finalized and will be based on local needs and the unique financial supports available for the development which will help determine the project’s rental mix. 
One potential funding source is Minnesota Housing’s competitive consolidated RFP. The SWMHP will use feedback from the open house in their application process. If funding is not secured this year, the partnership could apply again next year and into the future. 
“Many communities are facing housing shortages across the entire income spectrum, and many housing projects take years to secure funding since the gaps are wide and the resources are scarce,” Sammons said.
“We’re in this for the long haul. It’s never too early to start the discussion on the next potential housing project.”
The city is partnering with SWMHP on the project through planning efforts, site selection, and possibly establishing a tax-increment financing (TIF) district, which could help lower the funding gaps considerably. 
“Luverne is fortunate that 54 market-rate apartments were recently constructed, but there has been no affordable new construction housing built in Luverne in recent years,” Sammons said.
“The addition of these townhome units would help support that future need for Luverne’s growth.”

Hills community hosts Friendship Days

Delwyn Walraven pilots the float Saturday morning pulling his brother, Robert Walraven, through the Friendship Days parade in Hills. The two served as the 2023 parade marshals. They operate Wally’s Nursery and were honored for more than 30 years of business in the Hills area. Scattered showers in the area held off until the parade, which lasted just over an hour, was finished.

Hardwick buys 9 acres of Scott land for growth

Story updated to correct the number of generations the Scott family has made Hardwick home.
The city of Hardwick is growing in size — nine acres to be exact.
An agreement was signed Tuesday by the Hardwick City Council to purchase the nine-acre property from the Scott family for $88,000.
The new area is referred to as the Scott Addition.
The addition will allow the city to offer seven acres for commercial and residential development, with two acres set aside for a possible new fire hall.
The nine-acre parcel is located on the city’s western edge, south of County Road 7, and wraps around the south end of Buckingham Street.
The additional land is a welcome solution to inquiries received by the city.
“We have people ask if there are lots in Hardwick to build on or move in a home,” said Mayor Tom Haas. “We do, but they are small.”
Three years ago, Denver Township inquired about constructing a multi-purpose building in or near the Hardwick city limits. Both the city of Hardwick and Denver Township supported a new, shared township/fire hall structure.
However, the joint project stalled due to the lack of a suitable location.
Surrounded by farmland, Hardwick at that time had no property owners interested in selling a portion of their farmland to the city until late last year.
Six months ago, city officials began working with the Scott family, who have been the only land owners interested in selling a portion of their land to Hardwick to expand the city limits.
Community pride prompted the Scott family to consider selling a portion of the family’s property.
JR Scott and Brandee (Scott) Bullerman grew up on a farm just outside of Hardwick.
They represent the fifth generation of the Scott family to call Hardwick home.
Scott said for decades he or his family attended church, patronized local businesses, played fastpitch softball in the park, and/or gathered for the annual town celebrations.
Abe Scott was the first to come to Hardwick in 1905. Their great-grandfather, BJ Scott, farmed and served on the Hardwick volunteer fire department along with their dad, Randy Scott, who also served as the department’s fire chief. Grandparents Earl and Marcella lived in Hardwick and the Scott children were frequent visitors.
“It’s just a pretty neat little town,” Scott said. “I had a lot of fun growing up in that town.”
Although Scott himself no longer lives in the area, he wants his nieces and nephews to have the experience of growing up in a small town.
“He told us he wants to make 56134 a great place to live again and hopefully we’ll be able to some new business to town,” said Mayor Haas.
Currently city officials are working with engineers at DGR of Rock Rapids to finalize lot sizes and access points in and out of the new addition.
A direct connection to County Road 7 is preferred for emergency vehicle access.
Haas said the city intends to recoup costs through future lot sales.

'Flower Shop' buys Vinnie's, to remove blighted building

The former Vinnie’s property on South Highway 75 in Luverne is changing hands, and the blighted white building to the north of the restaurant will be demolished.
At Monday morning’s meeting of the Luverne Economic Development Authority, a $5,000 demolition grant was approved for Peter Dikun, who purchased the property from restauranteur Leroy Austin of Garretson.
Dikun owns The Flower Shop, LLC, a medical marijuana dispensary in Sioux Falls, and also Dent Force auto body repair in Dell Rapids, where he lives.
Vince Gacke opened Vinnie’s in 2006 and in 2021 sold it to Austin who continued to run it as Vinnie’s until last year. Now the wooden storage building will be demolished under new ownership.
According to EDA notes, it is deteriorating and the cost of repairs outweighs the value of the building.
Meanwhile, Dikun will prepare the location for his own business venture. The dilapidated building will be demolished this summer, and new construction may begin next spring. It’s unclear if the former Vinnie’s building will remain.
Dikun said he’s aware of speculation that he’ll open a Luverne location of the Flower Shop dispensary, but he said those plans aren’t certain.
“I bought it as investment property. Maybe I’ll find a tenant to lease it until plans fall into place in the next year and a half,” he said Monday.
“It could be many things. It could be a dispensary. It could be a bar … or maybe office space. Sometimes you shoot from the hip and in this case the price was right.”
According to his website, The Flower Shop in Sioux Falls is a medical marijuana dispensary that offers five different strains of cannabis flower buds, a limited selection of edibles and some CBD products.
Whether the Luverne location is a dispensary or some other business, Dikun said he looks forward to being part of Luverne’s growth.
“I’m excited about the buzz around this,” he said. “And I’m super excited to part of the community.”
Cannabis law
Gov. Tim Walz signed into law June 6 a bill that legalizes marijuana in Minnesota. It legalizes the possession and use of marijuana for Minnesotans 21 and older.
Many elements of the law, such as personal possession, use and home cultivation, go into effect July 1. However, legal retail sales might not begin until early 2025.
The law authorizes the production and retail sale of marijuana flower, concentrates, topicals and edible products, such as candy and beverages. It also permits the sale of immature cannabis plants and seeds, as well as hemp-derived THC products.

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