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H-BC School Board meets June 12

H-BC School Board 
meets June 12
Hills-Beaver Creek Dist. 671
June 12, 2023
The Hills-Beaver Creek School Board met for its semi-monthly meeting at 7:02 p.m. in the H-BC Secondary School Board room, 301 N Summit Ave, Hills, MN.
Board members and Administration present were Bosch, Gehrke, Harnack,
Helgeson, Rauk and Rozeboom. Superintendent Holthaus, Principal Kellenberger
and Business Manager Rozeboom were also in attendance. Board member
Uittenbogaard was absent.
Motion by Bosch, second by Rozeboom, and carried to approve the
agenda. Additions to the Agenda: 5 and 8.4
Visitors to the meeting were Randi Oftedahl and Chris Louwagie.
Community Education Advisory- 5/24; Building Grounds Steering- 6/7;
Personnel/Finance- 6/8; Curriculum Advisory and Worlds Best WorkForce
Committee- 6/12
Motion by Harnack, second by Rauk, and carried to approve Consent
-Imprest Cash Report
-Hire Melanie Kruse as full-time Special Education Teacher and Early 
Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Teacher for the 2023-2024 School Year.
-Hire Arielle Larson as Special Education Paraprofessional for the
2023-2024 School Year.
-Assign Samantha McGaffee as ESY Special Education Teacher for Summer
of 2023
-Assign Darin DeBoer as DAPE Teacher for Summer of 2023
-The 2023-2024 Curriculum Review Schedule
Motion by Bosch, second by Harnack, and carried to approve quotes
for the 2012 Van for sale by the district.
Motion by Rozeboom, second by Bosch, and carried to approve Donation Resolution:
$500 from Ron and Marlys Rauk Trust for a special project to be determined.
$20 from Blackbaud Giving Fund for Elementary Student Council
$20 from Blackbaud Giving Fund for Secondary Student Council
  Motion by Rozeboom, second by Rauk, and carried to approve Fiscal
year 2024 Insurances Premiums- Cyber Liability, Auto, Property/Casualty, Professional
Liability, Workers Compensation.
Motion by Helgeson, second by Bosch, and carried to approve Curriculum
Advisory Committee Recommendations for K-6 Science and K-12 Art Curriculum
Plan beginning with the 2023-2024 School year.
•Secondary Principal Report
•Superintendent/Elementary Principal Report
•Legislative Update - Rozeboom
Regular Board meeting, Monday, June 26
Regular Board meeting, Monday, July 10
Regular Board meeting, Monday, July 24
Motion by Helgeson, second by Harnack, and carried to approve
adjournment of meeting.
Time of Adjournment: 8:00 p.m.
Tamara Rauk, Clerk

Termination of parental rights over child(ren)

Termination of parental rights over child(ren)
COUNTY OF: ROCK                                           COURT FILE NUMBER: 67-JV-23-4
JUDICIAL DISTRICT:                                    CASE TYPE: CHIPS - PERMANENCY
In the matter of the Welfare of the Child(ren) of: Ellysa Arnovick, Mother and Donnavon Pearce, Father Parents
Summons and Notice
Termination of Parental Rights Matter (CHP-115)
 NOTICE TO: Donnavon Pearce, Above-named parent(s) or legal custodian(s).
1. A Termination of Parental Rights Petition has been filed in the Juvenile Court
alleging that parental rights of the above-named parent(s) or legal custodian(s)
to the child(ren) named in the petition should be permanently severed.
2. This is your notice that this Termination of Parental Rights case is scheduled
for a remote hearing before the Juvenile Court located at 204 E. Brown St, P.O. 
Box 745, Luverne, MN 56156, on August 07, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. or as soon after as
the case can be heard. Please contact court administration to get the remote hearing
3. YOU ARE ORDERED to appear before the Juvenile Court at the scheduled
time and date.
4. You have a right to be represented by counsel.
5. If you fail to appear at the hearing, the Court may still conduct the hearing and grant
appropriate relief, including permanently severing the parental rights of the
above-named parent(s) or legal custodian(s) or taking permanent custody of the
child(ren) named in the Petition.
Dated June 26, 2023         BY:
        Rock County
        Court Administration
        204 E. Brown St, P.O. Box 745
        Luverne MN 56156
(07-06, 07-13, 07-20)

Filing dates set for election to Dist. 2689 School Board

Filing dates set for election to Dist. 2689 School Board
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the period for filing affidavits of candidacy for the office of school board member of Independent School District No. 2689 shall begin on Aug. 1, 2023, and shall close at 5:00 o'clock p.m. on August 15, 2023.
The special election shall be held on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. At that election, one (1) member will be elected to the School Board for a term of one (1) year.
Affidavits of Candidacy are available from the school district clerk, 1401 7th St SW, Pipestone, MN 56164. The filing fee for this office is $2. A candidate for this office must be an eligible voter, must be 21 years of age or more on assuming office, must have been a resident of the school district from which the candidate seeks election for thirty (30) days before the special election, and must have no other affidavit on file for any other office at the same primary or next ensuing special election.
The affidavits of candidacy must be filed in the office of the school district clerk and the filing fee paid prior to 5:00 o’clock p.m. on August 15, 2023.
/s/ Katie Wiese
School District Clerk
(07-06, 07-13)

Kudos to firefighters for grain bin rescue

We often don’t know what we need until we need it, and that’s likely the case for most people finding themselves in need of emergency assistance.
Until we need help, we don’t know what kind of help is available, and many who have needed help for fires, crashes or medical emergencies will attest to the quality firefighters and first responders we have in Rock County.
On Wednesday, June 28, Luverne and Hills firefighters were called to a grain bin accident at the Fick farm where two were trapped in avalanched corn and a third was trying to help them. (See the related story.)
In the moments that elapsed before the Luverne Fire Department arrived, they were focused on survival. What they didn’t know was that a trained force of emergency responders would swoop onto the scene knowing exactly what to do with exactly the right tools.
The Ficks are seasoned farmers accustomed to all sorts of hazardous farming situations. They knew the dangers of working in grain bins and thought they were acting responsibly.
But the corn didn’t care as it crashed in from the sides of the bin. That’s the thing about farming. It’s as unpredictable as the markets and the weather that dictates who succeeds and who fails.
What is predicable, though, is the life-saving skill of our local firefighters who train for disasters that can — and have— taken lives in the past. They’ve learned from close calls and tragic endings.
And they’ve rehearsed on countless Monday nights for untold hours for worst-case scenarios like the one on June 28.
They’ve thrown their Rescue Randy dummy into flowing grain and rescued him. Over and over.
So when they showed up at 1159 101st St. at 2:34 p.m. on June 28, things got heated but their heads were cool.
And the outcome was positive. Three men were in the bin. Three came out. No one was hurt.
Many of us will never need emergency responders to come to our rescue, a blessing for which we should be thankful.
But those of us who have needed local help — in a fire, crash or medical emergency — can attest to the fact that we are blessed with the best.
Kudos to the Luverne Fire Department and the Hills firefighters who assisted for the successful grain bin rescue last week. Thank you for your hours of training and for being ready when you were needed.

What's on your wish list for Luverne? Part II

Two years ago this month, I wrote a column about my Top 5 wish list for Luverne. 
I thought it would be fun to look back at my 2021 hopes for my hometown and see if any wishes had been granted. 
The following made my list two years ago:
5. Dar’s Pizza opening a Luverne location.
4. Kwik Trip coming to Luverne.
3. A larger Lewis Drug in town.
2. A permanent Star Herald sports reporter.
1. A normal school year after 1 1/2 years of pandemic impacts.
I'm happy to report that three of my five wishes have been granted — or will be soon.
A Kwik Trip convenience store will soon be under construction in Luverne. I have to admit, this wish is coming true sooner than I expected. 
 Last winter Greg Hoogeveen started as the Star Herald sports reporter. He’s doing a great job and our sports photos have never been better.
We had an almost completely “normal” school year in 2021-22. In fact, it turned out to be the best year of my career so far. 
Not too bad, right? 
But we can’t get too comfortable. I have wishes yet to be granted. 
So here’s my updated 2023 Top 5 Wish List for Luverne (including the remaining ungranted wishes from the 2021 list): 
5. A larger Lewis Drug in Luverne, similar to the newer medium-sized Lewis Drugs in Sioux Falls. It’s unlikely to happen, but one can wish. 
4. A “Dar’s South” in Luverne or a rebirth, in some way, of the old Smooky’s Pizza. If you believe rumors, this one is possible. 
And now the new wishes:
3. Citywide recycling pickup every Friday. 
I can’t be the only one who struggles to keep track of the correct Fridays and misses recycling day. Or pulls the bin to the street on the wrong Fridays. Or, in the summer especially, is out of town on recycling Friday. Let’s just do every Friday like we do when there’s a fifth Friday in the month. 
2. A restaurant that serves breakfast, especially on the weekends. … A new sports bar opening this fall has me optimistic that we will have more sit-down restaurants open on Sundays. And if we’re lucky, that will again include breakfast options.
1. Continuation of our local institutions. I know this one is rather broad, but my wish really is that Luverne continues to remain vibrant so our local institutions can remain strong. 
Our businesses, organizations, churches and schools need Luverne to continue to be progressive and growth-oriented in order to survive and thrive. I wish for this mindset to continue for years to come. 
I’ll check back in two years and see how my wishes are doing. Meanwhile, what’s on your wish list for Luverne? 

Voice of our Readers July 6, 2023

Altena: ' and I are called to expose the deeds of darkness'
To the Editor:
If you drove past my house and saw me trying to mow my lawn with my snowblower, at best you would assume I was not fulfilling the intended purpose for my snowblower, right?
And yet I believe that scenario represents the mindset of Gov. Walz and every Democratic representative and senator in Minnesota.  
I’m guessing most of you have heard the story from a few weeks ago of Gov. Walz signing a bill that requires school districts and charter schools in Minnesota to stock “period products” in boys’ bathrooms.
Common sense would say, “How foolish; God did not create males with a need for feminine products.”
However, in her infinite wisdom, the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Sandra Feist, DFL-New Brighton, argued, “Not all students who menstruate are female … We need to make sure all students have access to these products … Non-female menstruators face a greater stigma and barrier to asking these questions.”
 The $2 per pupil in the education finance bill will go toward supplying free menstrual products for both male and female students.
There are 821,000 pupils in Minnesota. (Check out…)
In addition to the absurdity of this bill, Gov. Walz also signed a bill that makes Minnesota a “trans refuge state” where minor children, regardless of their state of legal residency, can obtain on-demand puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and irreversible surgeries — with or without the knowledge or consent of their parents.
House File 146 is also a threat to parental rights nationally, since Minnesota courts now have the legal right to unilaterally strip custody from a fit parent who objects to experimental, harmful treatments in response to gender identity confusion that is possibly, or even likely, temporary.
That's right, Minnesota could take away your child if you refuse to subject him or her to harmful, experimental “gender affirming care.”
Friends, regardless of what political party you may identify with, these new laws are the result of those who have been deceived and handed over to a depraved mind.
Regardless of whatever religious beliefs you might hold, putting feminine products in boys’ bathrooms, murdering unborn babies, and potentially removing minor children from parents for protecting their children is evil and is in opposition of God’s intent for his created order.
The Bible, which in part serves as an owner’s manual for God’s created order, includes instruction how God establishes governing authorities to “punish those who do wrong and commend those who do right.” 
Many of our governing authorities have that backward and are commending those who do wrong and punishing those who do good.
Followers of Jesus, you and I are called to expose the deeds of darkness.
In the meantime, with the Apostle Paul, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” I Timothy 2:1-2
Pastor Mike Altena,

Twisted Farmers Fab LLC assumes name

Twisted Farmers Fab LLC assumes name
Minnesota secretary of state 
Certificate of assumed name
The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filing is required for consumer protection in order to enable consumers to be able to identify the true ownership of a business.
ASSUMED NAME: Twisted Farmers Fab LLC 
731 111th Street, Luverne, MN 56156 USA
Name: Amanda Hartz Twisted Farmers Fab LLC
Address: 731 111th Street, Luverne, MN 56156 USA
If you submit an attachment, it will be incorporated into this document. If the attachment conflicts with the information specifically set forth in this document, this document supersedes the data referenced in the attachment.
By typing my name, I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. 
Signature: /s/ Amanda Hartz
(07-06, 07-13)

On the Record July 6, 2023

Dispatch report
June 23
•Complainant on State Highway 23 and 91st Street, Beaver Creek, reported a fire.
•Complainant on E. Luverne Street reported vandalism.
•An outage was reported.
•Complainant on E. Highway 23, Beaver Creek, reported theft/larceny.
•A warrant was issued on 61st Street, Beaver Creek.
•Complainant on N. Freeman Avenue reported vandalism.
•Complainant on E. Main Street reported property damage.
•Complainant requested roadside assistance on S. Kniss Avenue.
•Complainant on S. Kniss Avenue reported a civil issue.
June 24
•An issue with curfew was reported on U.S. Highway 75.
•Complainant on W. Mead Court reported suspicious activity.
•A weather alert was reported for Rock County.
•Complainant eastbound on Interstate 90, mile marker 15, Luverne, reported a driving complaint.
•Complainant on 141st Street, Luverne, reported property damage.
•Complainant on N. Lindale Street reported property damage.
•Complainant on W. Edgehill Street reported suspicious activity.
•Complainant on Highway 75 and Interstate 90 reported debris.
•An outage was reported on Main Street and Kniss Avenue.
June 25
•Assistance from another department was requested eastbound on Interstate 90, mile marker 5, Beaver Creek.
•Complainant on 190th Avenue, Luverne, reported vandalism.
•Complainant on Highway 23, mile marker 10, Jasper, reported a road and drive laws issue.
•Complainant on 40th Avenue, Hills, reported theft.
•Complainant in Steen reported a driving complaint.
June 26
•Complainant southbound on Highway 75, near airport in Luverne, reported a pedestrian.
•A warrant was issued on 61st Street near Beaver Creek.
•Complainant on Oak Drive reported a fire.
•A warrant was issued on W. Hatting Street.
•Complainant on E. Warren Street reported counterfeit.
•Complainant on N. Kniss Avenue reported a fire.
•Complainant on County Road 4 and Rock River Drive reported suspicious activity.
June 27
•Complainant on E. Dodge Street reported theft.
•Complainant on 71st Street, Luverne, reported a fire.
June 28
•Complainant westbound on Interstate 90, mile marker 1, Beaver Creek, reported a driving complaint.
•A warrant was issued from Nobles County.
•Complainant on 101st Street, Luverne, reported a fire.
June 29
•Complainant on Edgehill Street reported suspicious activity.
•Complainant on Kniss Avenue and Edgehill Street reported suspicious activity.
•Complainant on 101st Street, Beaver Creek, reported property damage.
•Assistance from another department was requested in Hills.
•Complainant on S. Kniss Avenue reported suspicious activity.
•Complainant reported a civil issue.
•Complainant on Edgehill Street reported suspicious activity.
•Complainant east-bound on Interstate 90, mile marker 10, Luverne, reported a driving complaint.
In addition, officers responded to 3 motor vehicle accidents, 1 deer accident, 1 escort, 13 ambulance runs, 4 parking violations, 7 paper services, 5 animal complaints, 2 fingerprint requests, 7 burn permits, 1 alarm, 3 stalled vehicles, 53 traffic stops, 13 abandoned 911 calls, 2 tests and 1 report of cattle out.

Celebrations July 2023

Card showers
Arlene Lee will celebrate her 90th birthday on Wednesday, July 12. Greetings may be sent to her at 203 Oak Drive, Apt. #129, Luverne, MN 56156.
Neil and Sharon Dohlmann will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Thursday, July 20. Greetings may be sent to them at 410 E. Luverne Street, Magnolia, MN 56158.
Open houses
A 90th birthday open house for Faye Schilling-DeBoer will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, July 9, in the fellowship hall of the Zion Presbyterian Church, 420 S. Broadway Street, Ellsworth, MN.

Menu July 10-14, 2023

LSS meals at Generations
Monday, July 10: Parmesan chicken, green beans, fruit cocktail, breadstick.
Tuesday, July 11: Tater tot casserole, mixed vegetables, warm peaches, dinner roll.
Half-Price Day sponsored by American Reformed Church.
Wednesday, July 12: Ham pasta salad, creamy cucumbers, cantaloupe, dessert.
 Thursday, July 13: Diced turkey and gravy over mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, dinner roll, warm fruit crisp.
Friday, July 14: Meatballs, mashed potatoes, carrots, bread, dessert.
LSS Dining offers well-balanced and affordable meals in a community atmosphere.
Call Pam Franken at 283-9846, extension 11 to reserve one day prior, to arrange to pick up a dinner or for home-delivered meals.
Gift certificates are available at the meal site or online at

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