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Terrorism attack puts state strike on hold

By Sara Quam
State workers put off a strike until Oct. 1, pending the end of contract negotiations with the state.

Talks were postponed beyond the original Monday deadline because both parties felt that the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks warranted more attention.

Although a strike won't happen until Oct. 1, negotiations will continue starting Sept. 27.

Gov. Jesse Ventura had ordered National Guard members to train for work in state-run nursing homes and similar facilities in case of a strike. Meanwhile some Guard members are also on hold in case they are needed nationally for military reasons.

Temporary workers would be hired for other positions left by strikers.

The points of contention between the two sides are insurance costs and wages. The local American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees president David Meyer said the insurance proposal hits workers the hardest.

State health insurance premiums have increased 20 percent in each of the last two years, and the state anticipates about 10 percent next year.

The state proposed a new plan to control costs. It would reduce employee premiums but require workers to share the costs of services. Now it requires employees to make only co-payments for some services and doesn't impose a deductible.

Under the proposal, employees would take on more of the costs through higher co-payments and deductibles for those who use the services.

A co-payment is an amount the employee pays for each service provided. A deductible is the amount the employee pays before insurance will pay for services. Co-insurance is the percentage the employee pays after the deductible is paid.

More employee co-payments that charge those using medical services is what the state is pushing for in exchange for low premiums.

As for wages, the state and unions are far apart on that, too. The state has offered increases of 2.5 percent for two years while AFSCME wants 6.5-percent annual pay raises.

The most recent, large state employee strike lasted 22 days in 1981.

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