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  • By Lori Sorenson
    June 05, 2024
    Rock County corn and soybean producers have found themselves in a sweet spot of favorable growing conditions this spring, compared with nearby neighboring fields. Many areas of the Midwest received more than double the normal average precipitation in May, which has eliminated drought concerns that plagued the region over the past few years. However, it’s delaying corn and soybean planting and…
  • By Lori Sorenson
    May 08, 2024
    Spring fieldwork took off in Rock County and across the region in mid-April, but conditions changed in late April and early May after more than 3½ inches of rain fell over a two-week period. According to the USDA Weekly Planting Progress Report released on April 29, 30 percent of the corn in Minnesota had been planted, compared to a five-year average of 18 percent. Progress in Rock County and…
  • By George Bonnema, Luverne Horticulturalist
    April 22, 2019
    Okay, a rain day (Monday) so I don’t feel guilty not working outside. This weekend I did manage to get all five of my gardens tilled and planted a lot of the cool season crops: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, kale, romaine lettuce and radishes.  I hope to get all of the rest of the cool season crops in later in the week and that will mean beets, Chinese cabbage,…
  • By George Bonnema, Luverne Horticulturalist
    March 14, 2016
    As we transition from winter to spring, we have to anticipate some variability in our weather and temperatures.  A couple of really warm days and some folks are ready to plant potatoes. But the calendar is a better indicator than our emotions.  None of us has the crystal ball, but the law of averages is what it is, so be reasonable about your expectations. I talked last week about getting our…
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