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  • By Mavis Fodness
    February 14, 2024
    Attendees at Thursday’s basketball games in Luverne High School enjoyed fry bread tacos served by the American Indian Parent Advisory Committee (AIPAC). The parent advisory group shared a small part of their culture while serving nearly 200 people at the fundraiser. “It’s important to share this food with others because it’s part of our culture,” said Andrea Smith, who is co-president along…
  • March 03, 2020
    In this week’s paper we have a story on page 6 about Dental Day in the elementary school. This happens to be a puff piece about kids having fun learning about oral health, but it’s part of a broader effort to bring dental health care to an underserved community. Rock County’s 9,000-plus residents are served by one local dentist office and we’re darn lucky to have it, considering other communities…
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