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emerald ash borer

  • By Lori Sorenson
    May 01, 2024
    Infestations of the destructive emerald ash borer have been spreading across Minnesota over the past 15 years, and on Monday the Minnesota Department of Agriculture confirmed the first sighting in Rock County. An arborist working in Rock County discovered an EAB infestation near Beaver Creek about 5 miles from the South Dakota border and reported it to the MDA. EAB larvae were later found, and…
  • By George Bonnema, Luverne Horticulturalist
    March 09, 2021
    I haven’t been submitting any garden articles for the paper for a year because I thought I had all of you educated enough so I could retire. Someone recently reminded me that we are humans and we forget … “so what’s wrong with refreshing our memories?” Well, that’s not a hard task for me, so here goes. … We have survived winter, and if there is one good thing about extreme cold (other than higher…
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