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  • By Lori Sorenson
    June 05, 2024
    Rock County corn and soybean producers have found themselves in a sweet spot of favorable growing conditions this spring, compared with nearby neighboring fields. Many areas of the Midwest received more than double the normal average precipitation in May, which has eliminated drought concerns that plagued the region over the past few years. However, it’s delaying corn and soybean planting and…
  • By Mavis Fodness
    March 06, 2024
    Luverne and Hills-Beaver Creek high school students have ended their mock trial seasons. Luverne tallied a 2-2 record while H-BC ended the season at 1-3. First-year Luverne coach Zoe DeBates said she is satisfied by the performance of her young team and the months of work they put into this year’s mock trial case. “Our season was cut shorter than we would have liked, but they did very well,”…
  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    August 24, 2021
    The first fall gunning season is only two weeks away. The fall hunting season starts with the mourning dove opener on Sept. 1. The mourning dove is the most numerous game bird in North America, and states have been hunting them for decades. When the season started in Minnesota more than a decade ago, it was a pretty big controversy. A segment of the population thought they should be left alone,…
  • By Rick Peterson, general manager
    July 16, 2019
    As you are probably aware of, there are a number of ways you can tell when we are about to embark on a change of seasons — the calendar being the most obvious, but there are other signs as well. When spring is just around the corner, you start to see more boats being trailered down the highway and fewer snowmobiles. You probably make a mental note when you see your first robin of the year, and I…
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