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  • June 19, 2024
    Luverne A Honor Roll Quarter 4 Seniors: Morgan Ahrendt, Tyler Arends, Alexsis Berg, Zoey Berghorst, Kayla Bloemendaal, Hailey Boll, Brynn Boyenga, Kai Buss, Cassandra Chesley, Jenna DeBates, Gavin DeBeer, Elliot Domagala, Morgan Hadler, Elle Halverson, Henry Hartquist, Roselynn Hartshorn, Uriel Hernandez, Julia Hoogland, Addison Huiskes, Kira John, Nathan Kinsinger, Spencer Kracht, Jacob…
  • March 27, 2024
    Baking batches of cookies means a cookie exchange is imminent as sung by Luverne Elementary second-graders Friday afternoon in a production of “Cookies! The Musical!” in the performing arts center. Eighty students took to the stage under the direction of Beth Capistran and Morgan Van Holland. The sweet smell of cookies brought a group of puppies to the event, but they were easily distracted by…
  • March 27, 2024
    Will Old MacDonald’s cow overcome her stage fright to finish the song? Luverne Elementary first-graders asked the question Friday afternoon during their performance of “E-I-E-I Oops!” Through the encouragement of fellow barnyard animals, Mrs. Cow’s confidence was boosted and suddenly “The Whole Barnyard was Singing,” as the 73 students performed (above), under the direction of Beth Capistran.
  • By George Bonnema, Luverne Horticulturalist
    February 22, 2022
    January is behind us and that means we are closer to spring. That is good news. The days are getting longer and the sun gives more warmth. Plants notice that just as much as we do. So those wonderful houseguests are gearing up to put out some new growth. That means this is a good time to repot if they are growing out of proportion with their current pot. Generally we recommend moving to the next…
  • By George Bonnema, Luverne Horticulturalist
    April 28, 2020
    It seems that we are on track for an earlier than average spring, and that means that this is the time to apply crab grass preventer.        Crab grass is an annual weed. The seeds don’t germinate until the ground temperature is warm, and that is happening now. This is a pre-emergence herbicide, so once the seed has germinated, the product will not be effective.        This is also the time to…
  • By Rick Peterson, general manager
    March 10, 2020
    It’s been five days since the “spring ahead” time change, and I am now just starting to adjust. Not sure why, but I struggle with the loss of an hour. Maybe it’s because I am a morning person and the added hour of darkness in the morning messes with me. That said, the good certainly outweighs the bad with the time change. The past weekend reaffirms that warmer days are coming. I saw my first…
  • By George Bonnema, Luverne Horticulturalist
    May 16, 2016
    Spring is always a time of transitioning from winter to summer and this year has been no different. The weeks of warm weather have teased us into thinking we were pretty much past the last frost, but then reality scared us … maybe me especially … my casualties were limited, but there were some where the wind removed the protection. And so we go on. The new growth called candles have fully…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    March 21, 2016
    There’s one sure sign that spring has arrived at my house. A bucket may not be as exciting as watching geese fly north or the winter wind having a little less bite. In my house the large container on the kitchen counter signifies spring is here. Along with the bucket, a rubber nipple and a two-quart plastic bottle often join the clutter. Their appearance means a newborn farm animal needs human…
  • April 28, 2015
      With winter safely behind us, the Blue Mounds State Park and Touch the Sky Prairie are seeing an increasing number of visitors enjoying the outdoors. We don’t have lakes or mountains in Rock County, but we do enjoy our prairie vistas with their Sioux quartzite outcroppings, which are beautiful in themselves. To call attention to these natural resources, we will celebrate Life on the Prairie,…
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