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  • June 19, 2024
    Representatives from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources spent two hours Friday morning at The Lake in Luverne instructing youth about fishing, fishing rules and how to catch a fish. The “Learn to Fish at The Lake” class through Luverne Community Education was the first time the DNR brought its interactive program to Luverne. “We want to connect kids with the outdoors,” said DNR’s…
  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    June 12, 2024
    I recently spent the day in the boat with a professional fishing guide by the name of Travis Frank. You might recognize this name as he is also the host of the Pheasants Forever television show called “The Flush.” Travis is a fully jammed up guy with a schedule this 63-year-old could never manage. He works for Ron Shara Productions and hosts several shows and is involved with the production of…
  • By RIck Peterson, general manager
    May 22, 2024
    Last week I hung out the “gone fishing” sign and headed to the West Bend, South Dakota, Recreation Area on the Missouri River. As always, the fishing was great and the weather was hot. The wind ranged between calm and gusts of up to 45 mph … which is about the norm, so all things considered, the weather was pretty darn good. The time in the boat with my two fishing buddies was priceless. The…
  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    May 15, 2024
    When it comes to luck, mine is normally pretty sour. Even my closest friends call me the character on the “Snoopy” cartoon who has the rain cloud following him around. When my friends have bad luck, they refer to it as “the luck of the Scoot” (Scoot is my nickname). I needed to get my boat ready for the fishing opener and had about a dozen things to check on before heading out on the road. One…
  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    May 08, 2024
    Minnesota fishing opener is just right around the corner. This special day will have more Minnesotans out and about than any other outdoor opening day. The season opens at 12:01 on May 11. The season for pan fish stays open year-round but for walleyes and other game fish there is a regulated season in order to allow these fish to spawn unmolested. I used to be one of those folks out at midnight…
  • March 13, 2024
    This year’s unseasonable warmth began over the weekend and continued into Monday as temperatures rose into the mid-70s. “It’s just a nice day to be out,” said Schomacker, who enjoyed the outdoors after work. High temperature records were broken Monday in Sioux Falls (80 degrees; old record of 75 was set in 2016) and in Pipestone (73 degrees; old record of 73, also in 2016.) However the lamb-like…
  • By Rick Peterson, general manager
    May 16, 2023
    In recent weeks I have been planning for an upcoming fishing trip. For years my two fishing buddies, Leroy and Dan, and I — and yes, I have fishing buddies … I also have hunting buddies, side-by-side buddies, and I even have a group of Power Ball buddies, not to mention my coffee buddies — anyway, my fishing buddies and I get together for a four-day trip to the waters of the Missouri River. Due…
  • By Rick Peterson, general manager
    June 01, 2021
    Last year COVID-19 put the kibosh on my annual three-day fishing trip. For the past six years a couple of my buddies and I have been spending a few days fishing Lake Sharp on the Missouri River. We camp at the West Bend State Park in South Dakota. It’s not really camping when one of those buddies has a 40-foot RV. As good fortune would have it, the other buddy has a 20-foot Lund that we fish out…
  • By Scott Rall
    March 11, 2020
    I was recently discussing what percentage of sportsmen and women fudge on the rules a little in terms of game and fish regulations. For some reason there is a segment of this group that does not place the same emphasis on game and fish rules as they do other regulations. I have never had even one game violation in over 45 years spent in the outdoors. This is not meant to be a feat of any kind.…
  • By Scott Rall
    March 04, 2020
    How is it that you can fish with more lines per person in almost every other state than you can in Minnesota? Our neighbor states have always allowed more lines than Minnesota does.  Today you can fish with one line in open water and two lines when fishing through the ice. It varies, but I know, for example, in Nebraska you can use four lines at a time when fishing through the ice.  Many other…
  • By Rick Peterson, Tollefson Publishing General Manager
    May 25, 2015
      I hung the “Gone Fishing” sign on the office door last week, and as you have come to expect when I am involved, the trip had some trials and tribulations. One of my mottos in life is, “It’s not what you have, it’s who you know and what they have.” Luckily for me, my two fishing buddies have everything needed for a great fishing trip to the Missouri River in South Dakota. Fishing Buddy Leroy has…
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