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Shareholders to vote on merger

By Jolene Farley
Shareholders in Hills-Beaver Creek Co-op Farm Service will vote on Monday, Feb. 3, on whether or not to merge with New Vision Co-op, Worthington.

In late September, the board was forced to begin reviewing options for the cooperative with locations in Hills and Beaver Creek.

The struggling farm economy and a general economic slowdown was instrumental in the boards’ decision, according to Hills-Beaver Creek Co-op Farm Service Board President Allen Fick, Beaver Creek.

"We decided it looked like it would be in our best interest to merge," Fick said.

"If the banking industry doesn’t want to work with you, it’s hard to continue.
The board unanimously agreed New Vision Co-op, managed by Frank McDowell, was the wisest choice for a merger.

"They looked like they would be the best option for us to merge with long-term," he said. "They seem to be a strong company and it was the best way to keep the members equity intact."

If stockholders vote to move ahead, the merger will occur March 1.

The board hopes that by merging, the co-op will be able to offer patrons better margins, better prices and better volume.

"We hope the services and everything that the customers are used to will still be there," he said.

New Vision will honor contracts made with the current co-op for fertilizer and chemical purchases if the merger occurs, according to Fick.

"That was a concern we had this winter," he said.

Hills-Beaver Creek Co-op Farm Service patrons were sent letters, dated Dec. 12, 2002, telling of the impending vote.

Another letter will be mailed to shareholders on Thursday, Jan. 16, containing more information on the possible merger and detailing the times and location of two informational meetings planned for Monday, Jan. 27, according to Fick.

In May 1993, the Beaver Creek Cooperative elevator merged with the Hills Cooperative Farm Service. The new company became the Hills-Beaver Creek Co-op Farm Service.

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