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Room with a view

Do they teach English in Nerds 101?

On the tails of Lori's column last week about workplace technology changes, I will also add my comments on changes in the workplace.

I've been walking around with a very tense look on my face, but it's nothing against the people I face. It's just no fun to change. Well, it's fun to learn new programs and experiment with an entirely new system - just not on deadline.

I know this office has nothing special to whine about, as most professionals go through this.

How people deal with change is what interests me. As for my reaction to it so far, my skin is blotchy, my hair seems dryer, my back hurts and I think I'm omitting a foul odor. Not to mention that I have a blister on my wrist from sliding around my mouse for unusually long periods of time.

I hope I've been kind to my co-workers through the changes in our office. And I hope readers who make drastic changes in their homes or workplaces follow this way of constructive thinking...

SAY: Don't worry, Lori, I'll just work over the weekend. INSTEAD OF: And when do you expect me to do this, Kathy Lee?

SAY: I'm certain that isn't a possibility. INSTEAD OF: No way!

SAY: Isn't that interesting? INSTEAD OF: I want my old system back!

SAY: Perhaps you should check with Sue. INSTEAD OF: Tell someone who cares.

SAY: I wasn't involved in that project. INSTEAD OF: Not my problem.

SAY: I'm not sure if this can be implemented. INSTEAD OF: No!

SAY: I'll try to finish that by Monday. INSTEAD OF: Why didn't you tell me sooner?

SAY: She's not familiar with the program. INSTEAD OF: She's an idiot.

SAY: Excuse me, Mr. Technical Support? INSTEAD OF: Do they even teach English in Nerd School?

SAY: So, you weren't happy with it? INSTEAD OF: Kiss it!

SAY: I don't think I understand that function. INSTEAD OF: Who am I and how long have I been asleep?

SAY: You want me to take care of that? INSTEAD OF: Who made you boss?

SAY: She's just a little overworked right now. INSTEAD OF: How rude!

SAY: I think you could use more training. INSTEAD OF: You don't know what you are doing!

SAY: I love a challenge. INSTEAD OF: I want my mommy.

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