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Quiet title summons

Quiet title summons


COUNTY OF ROCK                                                          FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT

Case Type: Quiet Title Action

Court File: 67-CV-24-127

The Gilbert Van De Stroet Revocable Trust dated November 1, 2012, the Sharon Van De Stroet Revocable Trust dated November 1, 2012, Gilbert Van De Stroet and Sharon Van De Stroet, Trustees of the aforementioned Trusts, Brent Anderson, Gwynne Anderson, the Lucynda Stoterau Supplemental Needs Trust dated October 21, 2015, Brent Anderson as Trustee of the Lucynda Stoterau Supplemental Needs Trust dated October 21, 2025, Steve Vis, a/k/a Steven Vis, and Kayla Vis,






Mark D. Gath, Leah G. Gath, Robert Rae Farms Limited Partnership, and Karen Rae Howard, Kathy Jo St. Antoine, Kristen Deane Johnson, and Dean Robert Johnson, II, the partners of Robert Rae Farms Limited Partnership, and all other persons unknown claiming any right, title, estate, interest or lien in the real estate described in the complaint herein,







You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon Plaintiffs’ attorney an Answer to Complaint, which is filed in the office of the Court Administrator of the above-named county, within twenty (20) days after service of this Summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. This action involves, affects, or brings in question real property situated in the County of Rock, State of Minnesota, described as follows: That part of North Half (N1/2) of Section One (1), Township One Hundred One (101) North, Range Forty-seven (47) West of the 5th P.M., Rock County, Minnesota, lying South and West of the Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad Right of Way therein, except for the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4 of NW1/4 of NW1/4) thereof, and except for an acreage containing approximately 2.85 acres located in the West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W1/2 of NW1/4) in said Section.

The object of this action is to remove, terminate and quiet any interest of the defendants to this action and to the real estate described above.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT NO PERSONAL CLAIM is made against any of the Defendants. If any Defendant unreasonably defends the action, the Plaintiffs are requesting an order of the Court directing that said Defendant shall pay full costs to the Plaintiffs.

Civil cases are subject to Alternative Dispute Resolution processes as provided in Rule 114 of the General Rules of Practice for District Courts. Alternative Dispute  Resolution includes mediation, arbitration, and other processes set forth in the rules. You may contact the Court Administrator for information  about these processes and about resources available in your area.

The undersigned hereby acknowledges that sanctions may be awarded pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 549.211.


Dated: May 23, 2024


Paul A. Vis, Attorney at Law

130 E. Main, Luverne, MN 56156

507-283-4828, FAX 507-283-9188

Attorney ID No. 297550

(06-06, 06-13)

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