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County Board of Equalization meets June 18

County Board of Equalization

meets June 18


Rock County Board of Equalization Meeting 6:30 P.M.

Herreid Board Room June 18, 2024

Rock County Courthouse

Chair Burger called the meeting to order with all Commissioners present.  Also present were: Administrator Kyle Oldre and Land Records Office staff Rachel Jacobs, Jeff Sehr and Scott Adams.

Motion by Overgaard, seconded by Reisch, to approve the June 18, 2024, Board of Equalization Agenda, declared carried on a voice vote.

There were no attendees.

Land Records Office Director Rachel Jacobs presented an assessment executive summary and valuation summary reports.  Jacobs reported that the estimated market values for all classes are based upon sales occurring between October 1, 2022, and September 30, 2023, for purposes of establishing property values on assessment date of January 2, 2024, for taxes payable in 2025. Estimated market value is targeted to fall within 90 to 105 percent of the sale price for all classes of property as per Department of Revenue policy. The total estimated market value in 2024 for Rock County is $4,789,838,400, an increase of 9.12% from 2023.

Jacobs also informed the Board of Equalization of taxing changes for residential and agriculture for the 2024/2025.

With no further business to come before the Rock County Board of Equalization, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair.


Greg Burger, Chair



I, Kyle J. Oldre, County Administrator, hereby attest that the minutes of the 18 June 2024 Rock County Board of Equalization was duly adopted by the Rock County Board of Commissioners at the 02 July 2024 regular scheduled meeting.


Kyle J. Oldre, County Administrator


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