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Pool steps up summer marketing, visibility

By Sara Strong
The Pool Commission Tuesday discussed the possibility of summer bringing new things for the Rock County Pool and Fitness Center.

Manager Carol Wessels presented membership and use numbers for the past two months. Despite the increased prices taking effect in the winter, between March and April, the Pool and Fitness Center gained memberships.

The facility still has about 80 fewer members now than at this time last year, but management and the Pool Commission hope that slow gains add up to the previous membership numbers.

The Commission also discussed the pool's new offering of summer memberships to offset decreased use the indoor facility usually sees during warm months.

Commission chair Paul Alink said, "Whoever's idea that was; it was excellent."

Visibility is increasing in other areas for the Pool and Fitness Center.

Recent advertising and donated passes and memberships for charitable events, like the Hospice Charity Auction, has kept the Pool and Fitness Center in the community's eyes. Business passes were also given away in the hopes of inducing memberships.

Registration for the Buffalo Days walks/runs starts at the Fitness Center this weekend, and it will be available for changing or showering after the events.

Senior citizens may be learning more about the center also. Senior Health and Fitness Day Wednesday offered seniors cookies, coffee and a carnation to visit the facility. It also had special training in aerobics, weight lifting and equipment instruction.

In other business the Commission:

Accepted the resignation of Pool Commission member Ed Bouwman, who is moving from Luverne and can no longer serve.
The county and city will agree on a new commissioner appointment.

Heard an update on the use of the "play time" child care for children of adults who want to use the facility. The weekday service got less use than what is necessary to keep it financially possible to offer, so it is ending Friday as was scheduled for the trial run.

The Pool and Fitness Center may try the play time again in the fall.

Voted to increase rates for swimming lessons from $20 to $22. The rates are increasing so a lifeguard not giving lessons can be on deck for an added safety precaution.

Agreed that the new fitness equipment and pool ramp have gotten favorable reviews from customers.

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