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Pool rate hikes in question

By Sara Quam
Depending on interpretation of the rules, Rock County Pool and Fitness Center rates may not increase as much as the Pool Commission had earlier decided.

It's questionable whether the latest increase is legal without consent from the joint powers who run the facility - Luverne City Council and Rock County Board.

The Pool Commission’s April 24 vote to increase rates by 50 percent met with immediate protest from members and numerous membership cancellations.

A closer look at the joint powers agreement by City and County Attorney Don Klosterbuer left him interpreting the vote as invalid.

"It does seem to be reasonably straightforward that the Pool Commission recommends budgetary items to the county and city, which then approve them," Klosterbuer said. "It's my interpretation that rate increases are a function of the budget."

The Pool Commission can make operational decisions, and some could interpret that as including rate increases.

But Klosterbuer said, "To my knowledge, rates have been approved by joint boards and were discussed during the budget process."

Klosterbuer worked on the last set of contracts for the Pool and Fitness Center.

The Pool Commission meets every other month and isn’t due to meet until June. However, this unusual circumstance of a vote that may be invalid could be reason for a special meeting.

The rates were increased because the Pool Commission saw the center was operating at a deficit.

The city and county increased their funding last year, but operational costs, including wages and health care expenses, absorbed those funds.

Pool and Fitness Center management maintains that steep rate increases drive away members and make the facility less accessible to everyone.

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