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Plenty of pumpkins

Above, Wally's Nursery, Hills, grew pumpkins in all shapes and sizes this year. At right, Frances Horwitz, Sioux Falls, carefully selects potatoes for an evening meal.Pumpkin season is in full swing at Wally's Nursery, Hills. It has been an exceptionally good year, according to partner Delwyn Walraven.

"Pumpkins grew bigger this year because it rained in August and September," said Walraven. "It's been warm, too; some years it is quite a bit cooler. When it freezes they stop growing."

The Walravens usually plant about 70 hills of large pumpkins and 30 hills of small pumpkins.
They normally are very close to selling out. "Last year we had some left over. Most years we have a few but not very many," said Walraven.

Wally's Nursery has no special secret to growing pumpkins. "We just let them grow naturally," said Delwyn.

Some growers set pumpkins upright as they begin to grow but Walravens just let them lay on their sides. "You get different, odd shapes and that's got its own beauty, too."

In addition to those in the market for pumpkins, the nursery draws customers looking for home-grown flavor in their fall produce.

"My wife comes down all the time to buy, at least once a week," said Sioux Falls customer Bud Horwitz. "They keep it fresh. They do a good job of constantly picking."

Horwitz's wife, Frances, is a "fanatical cook" and is aggravated when she cannot find nice produce, according to Horwitz. In addition to the fresh produce, the couple enjoys the beautiful drive between Sioux Falls and Hills.

Wally's rarely advertises but relies on word of mouth and signs on Highway 270 to clue people in about their location and selections, according to Walraven.

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