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Pickett retires after 25 years with volunteer program

By Lori Ehde
In 1976, Ruth Pickett responded to a help wanted ad placed by the Retired Senior Volunteer Program.

The job duties were to match willing volunteers with local organizations that needed volunteers.

The position appealed to her because the 20 hours per week were flexible, which meshed well with raising her young son, Joel.

In the 25 years since then, Pickett has come to love the job and the people she grew to know.

"The people were just so interesting, and you got to know so many different ones - wonderful people," she said from her Centennial Apartment home Tuesday.

"You'd meet so many older people - of course they're not so old to me now, because I'm as old as they are - and I learned a lot from them. Some are really generous with their time and so willing to help."

Citing ailing health, Pickett has decided to retire from her work with RSVP. She'll celebrate with an open house from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Friday, April 20, in Luverne Pizza Ranch.

"I didn't really want to quit, but my health isn't so good anymore," said Pickett, who will be 72 in June. "I loved my work so. It's hard to give it up."

Pickett said she now plans to join the ranks of volunteers. She already does some work with St. John Lutheran Church, and she will help with the greeting card recycling program at Senior Dining.

Most of all, she said she'll miss the people, both the volunteers and her co-workers.

"I've had good co-workers to work with," she said. "They're so friendly and congenial."

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