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Photo contest seeks local rural images

By Sara Strong
Friday is the deadline for entries in the Images of Rock County photo contest.

Area amateur photographers and even those who've never given it a "shot" have a chance to display their pictures at the Carnegie Cultural Center, Luverne.

Images of Rock County is a judged photo contest sponsored by the Rock County Fine Arts Association. It's the first of its kind at the Carnegie, and Tammy Makram couldn't be more pleased.

As the executive director of the Council for Arts and Humanities in Rock County, Makram organized the contest. "We want people to visit the Carnegie and know we're here for everybody to enjoy," she said.

Makram wanted March's display to include a Rock County photo contest because the other Fine Arts displays were of rural photographers. Makram said the photographers captured scenes of Minnesota and South Dakota that mirror images of Rock County.

"They are just beautiful," Makram said. She hopes Rock County photographers see the beauty in their own back yards and submit their pictures to the Carnegie.

"They can be pictures that are already there. You don't have to take something new for the contest," Makram said.

Makram said she's received just a handful of entries so far, but she's hoping for a good showing. "We know there's a lot of good pictures out there. People should take a chance and they might win a prize."

In keeping with the rural theme for March, the Rock County Historical Society is bringing in agricultural antiques for display.

There is no charge to view displays at the Carnegie.

Contest details
Divisions are adults and 18 and younger. Entry categories are people, animals or scenery. Photos will be judged based on composition, subject matter and technical delivery.

The contest is for amateurs only and will be displayed at the Carnegie Cultural Center during the month of March. Deadline for entries is March 1. Winners will be published in the Star Herald and receive cash prizes or Chamber gift certificates.

Drop off or send submissions to the Carnegie Cultural Center, 205 N. Freeman Ave., Luverne, MN 56156. Call 283-8294 with questions.

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